3 minutes to read - Apr 21, 2023

C++ Prompts

C++ Prompts
Challenge yourself with these 120 C++ prompts and take your programming skills to the next level. Perfect for both beginners and experienced developers, these prompts cover a wide range of C++ topics, from basic syntax to advanced data structures and algorithms.
  1. Analyze the differences between C and C++ programming languages.

  2. Answer: What is a pointer in C++ and how is it used in programming?

  3. Argue for or against using C++ as a beginner programming language.

  4. Change the implementation of a C++ program to make it more efficient.

  5. Combine two or more C++ programs into a single program that achieves the same functionality.

  6. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of object-oriented programming in C++ versus procedural programming.

  7. Compile a list of common errors or mistakes made by beginner C++ programmers and how to avoid them.

  8. Craft a program in C++ that solves a complex mathematical equation or problem.

  9. Create a class hierarchy in C++ to represent a system of objects in the real world.

  10. Defend the importance of understanding memory management in C++ programming.

  11. Define the terms encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism in the context of object-oriented programming in C++.

  12. Describe the steps involved in debugging a C++ program that is not running correctly.

  13. Discuss the use of templates in C++ programming and provide examples of where they are useful.

  14. Expand on the differences between pass by value and pass by reference in C++ functions.

  15. Explain the role of virtual functions in C++ inheritance.

  16. Generate a program in C++ that performs a task of your choice (e.g., sorting an array, searching a database, etc.).

  17. Illustrate the use of operator overloading in C++ programming.

  18. Include a brief history of C++ programming language and its evolution over time.

  19. Narrow your focus to a specific aspect of C++ programming (e.g., file I/O, string manipulation, data structures, etc.) and explore it in detail.

  20. Predict the future of C++ programming language and its relevance in the coming years.

  21. Produce a program in C++ that uses multithreading to perform a task more efficiently.

  22. Propose improvements to the syntax or features of the C++ programming language.

  23. Provide a step-by-step guide on how to install and set up a C++ development environment on a particular operating system.

  24. Rephrase a complex C++ programming concept or idea into simpler terms that are easier to understand.

  25. Rewrite a poorly written C++ program to make it more readable and easier to maintain.

  26. Sum up the key differences between C and C++ programming languages.

  27. Summarize the principles of object-oriented programming in C++.

  28. Write a program in C++ that generates random numbers within a certain range.
