2 minutes to read - Mar 29, 2023
Skim It
Your AI Article Summarizer.


Are you drowning in articles but short on time? SkimIt.ai is here to help! Get AI-generated summaries of any article delivered straight to your inbox. Just email the article link to go@SkimIt.ai, and within approximately 10 minutes, you'll receive a concise summary.

How It Works:

Spot an Article: Found an interesting article but no time to read it? Hit the share icon in your browser and email the link to go@skimit.ai.

Email Format: The subject line doesn't matter. Ensure the article link is the first URL link in the email body. You can even cc your friends to share articles and summaries.

Receive Summary: In about 10 minutes, you (and your friends if cc'd) will get an email with an AI-generated summary of the article.


Tool Not Working? Reach out to tldrtool@gmail.com. Servers might be a bit slow, taking up to 15 mins for your summary. Check your spam folder.

Correct Email Format: Only the first URL link in the body matters. Subject, content, and signature don't affect the summary.

CC Your Friends: Share the original article and the SkimIt.ai summary by cc'ing your friends. Spread the knowledge!

AI Wizardry: Powered by OpenAI's GPT technology, our AI processes the content behind the scenes.

Accuracy: It's a fun project for key takeaways, not foolproof. Use responsibly for entertainment purposes only.

Data Storage: We keep the sender's email, CC'd emails, and the first URL sent. No other content from your emails is stored.

Why SkimIt.ai:

SkimIt is a hackathon project by Karthik and Alex, post-exit founders passionate about startups, advising, investing, and, of course, coffee. Built for fun and efficiency, SkimIt.ai aims to assist you in quickly grasping article highlights without the full reading commitment.

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