1 minute to read - Dec 11, 2023

Stream Slides

Stream Slides
Summarize videos, automatically extract and convert slides from YouTube videos into a PDF.


Stream Slides is an AI-based tool designed to automatically extract and convert slides from YouTube videos into a downloadable PDF format. This tool is particularly useful for educational content, presentations and quick access to comprehensive material presented in a video format.

The operational procedure is simple and involves the user entering the URL of a YouTube video they wish to convert, then clicking the 'Extract Slides' button.

Following this, the tool will process the video, a duration dependent on the length of the video, and generate a preview PDF for the user. The user can then download this PDF using the 'Download PDF' button.

The tool may not detect every slide within the video, but improvements to this system are continually being made. The output of Stream Slides has been demonstrated to be effective in diverse content scenarios, providing a significant educational and presentations aid for users.

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