3 minutes to read - Jan 10, 2024


Empowering DIY Voice Assistants with Privacy and Flexibility.

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OpenVoiceOS, a community-driven, open-source voice AI platform that empowers users to create custom voice-controlled interfaces across various devices. Built with Natural Language Processing (NLP), a customizable UI, and a strong focus on privacy and security, OpenVoiceOS offers a seamless and intuitive voice interface for smart home control, music playback, reminders, and more.

Key Features:

Open Source Foundation: Rooted in open-source software, OpenVoiceOS harnesses the collective efforts of developers worldwide from various open-source projects, ensuring continuous innovation and improvement.

Community-Driven Development: Developed by a global community of software developers and data scientists, Open Voice OS serves as an open platform for those passionate about advancing voice assistance technology.

Do It Yourself (DIY): Open to all developers and contributors, Open Voice OS encourages DIY enthusiasts to contribute and support specific devices or platforms, fostering a collaborative environment.

Platform Agnostic: Whether you're working with embedded headless devices, single-board computers, or screens, Open Voice OS is the community playground for experimentation and innovation across all platforms.

Experimental Focus: Open Voice OS welcomes experimental features, providing a platform for developers to introduce cutting-edge ideas and features before integrating them into mainstream Linux-based open-source voice assistant projects.

The Core Team:

Meet our dedicated team maintaining multiple core technologies and projects within the Open Voice OS framework. Connect with us to learn more about our work and the opportunities to get involved.

Code Wrangler / Maintainer OVOS Core

Code Wrangler / Maintainer OVOS GUI

Code Wrangler / Maintainer OVOS Core

Hardware Hacker / Maintainer OVOS Images

Parker Seaman: Community Manager / Developer Relations


Open Voice OS - Buildroot Edition: A minimalist Linux OS bringing the Mycroft A.I. voice assistant to embedded, low-spec headless, and small touch-friendly screen devices.

Open Voice OS - Manjaro Arch Edition: Based on a rolling base distribution for development and prototyping, always shipping the latest git master branches and packages for those who seek cutting-edge technology.

Supported Devices:

Raspberry PI 3 (Including the Mark1) (Work In Progress)

Raspberry PI 4 - Mark 2 / Mark 2 Dev Kit / Respeaker

x86-64 (Work In Progress)

Supported Peripherals / HAT's:

ReSpeaker 2mic

ReSpeaker 4mic Array

ReSpeaker 4mic Linear Array

ReSpeaker 6mic Circular Array

RPI-Proto (Mark1 soundcard)

SJ-201 (Mark2 led/audio/microphone board)

PS3-Eye (USB microphone)

Google AIY-v1 / Chatterbox HAT

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