1 minute to read - Apr 27, 2023

Providing language translation support

ChatGPT can provide language translation support for students who are studying in a language that is not their native language. This can be especially helpful for students who are studying abroad or participating in language immersion programs.

Student: Can you help me translate this paragraph from English to French?

ChatGPT: Bien sûr, voici la traduction:

"Hello, my name is Sarah. I'm from the United States, but I'm currently studying in Paris. I love learning about French culture and language, and I hope to become fluent in French soon."

"Bonjour, je m'appelle Sarah. Je viens des États-Unis, mais je suis actuellement en train d'étudier à Paris. J'adore apprendre sur la culture et la langue françaises, et j'espère devenir bilingue en français bientôt."
