1 minute to read - Apr 28, 2023

Language translation for foreign news sources

ChatGPT can also be used to translate articles and other content from foreign languages into English or other languages. This can help journalists access and report on news and events from around the world, even if they do not speak the language.

Example conversation with ChatGPT:

Journalist: "Can you translate this news article from Spanish into English?"

ChatGPT: "Sure, please provide the text of the article."

Journalist: "Here it is: 'El presidente de México anunció hoy un nuevo plan para combatir la corrupción en el gobierno.' "

ChatGPT: "Here's the translation: 'The president of Mexico announced a new plan today to combat corruption in the government.' Is there anything else you need me to translate?"

Journalist: "No, that's it. Thank you!"
