1 minute to read - May 9, 2023

Note-taking and Document Management

ChatGPT can help you take notes, organize documents, and even transcribe meetings or interviews. You can interact with ChatGPT to create new documents, add notes to existing ones, and search for specific information.

User: Hey ChatGPT, can you create a new document for me to take notes on this meeting?

ChatGPT: Sure, what would you like to call the document?

User: Let's call it "Marketing Strategy Meeting Notes."

ChatGPT: Got it. I've created the document. Would you like me to take notes for you during the meeting?

User: Yes, please.

ChatGPT: Okay, I'll transcribe the meeting and take notes on the key points. Is there anything specific you'd like me to focus on?

User: Can you make sure to note any action items or follow-up tasks?

ChatGPT: Sure, I'll make sure to include that in the notes.
