3 minutes to read - Apr 12, 2023

Teach ChatGPT to generate prompts for images

I want to generate detailed visual descriptions of different kinds of imaginary images, so that an AI can generate pictures. But first, I need to create templates for those descriptions, and I need For instance: 1. IMAGE TYPE: Fashion photo shoot EXAMPLE DESCRIPTION: A 34-year old Japanese woman, wearing a mauve cashmere pantsuit, joyful expression, garden in background, creative and dramatic fashion editorial photography by Rankin, 1995, 35mm lens, studio lighting SO THE FORMAT IS: A [number between 16 and 80]-year old [ethnic adjective] [man or woman], wearing [colour] [material type] [fashion item], [mood adjective] expression, [location type] in background, [visual adjective] and [adjective] fashion editorial photography by [name of a famous commercial photographer], year between 1967 and 2018], [type of lens], [type of lighting] Find 5 new types if image and generate example descriptions and formats as written above.

Sure, here are five new types of images and example descriptions and formats for each:

1. IMAGE TYPE: Landscape photograph

* EXAMPLE DESCRIPTION: A stunning panoramic view of the Grand Canyon at sunset, captured with a telephoto lens and natural light, by Ansel Adams, 1960

* FORMAT: A \[adjective\] view of \[landscape\], captured with a \[type of lens\] and \[type of light\], by \[name of famous landscape photographer\], \[year\]

2. IMAGE TYPE: Portrait photograph

* EXAMPLE DESCRIPTION: A close-up shot of a 25-year old African American man with a serious expression, captured with a 50mm lens and studio lighting, by Richard Avedon, 1980

* FORMAT: A \[type of shot\] of a \[age\] \[ethnic adjective\] \[man or woman\] with a \[mood adjective\] expression, captured with a \[type of lens\] and \[type of lighting\], by \[name of famous portrait photographer\], \[year\]

3. IMAGE TYPE: Street photograph

* EXAMPLE DESCRIPTION: A candid shot of a group of young people walking through Times Square, captured with a wide-angle lens and natural light, by Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1970

* FORMAT: A \[type of shot\] of \[subject\] \[action verb\], captured with a \[type of lens\] and \[type of lighting\], by \[name of famous street photographer\], \[year\]

4. IMAGE TYPE: Fine art photograph

* EXAMPLE DESCRIPTION: An abstract black and white photograph of a tree, captured with a macro lens and natural light, by Cindy Sherman, 1990

* FORMAT: An \[adjective\] \[color\] and \[color\] photograph of \[subject\], captured with a \[type of lens\] and \[type of lighting\], by \[name of famous fine art photographer\], \[year\]

5. IMAGE TYPE: Wildlife photograph

* EXAMPLE DESCRIPTION: A close-up shot of a lion stalking its prey, captured with a telephoto lens and natural light, by Frans Lanting, 2000

* FORMAT: A \[type of shot\] of \[subject\] \[action verb\], captured with a \[type of lens\] and \[type of lighting\], by \[name of famous wildlife photographer\], \[year\]

I hope these examples and formats help you generate detailed visual descriptions of different kinds of imaginary images! Let me know if you have any questions.
