Traveler: Hi ChatGPT, I'm traveling to Japan and don't speak Japanese. Can you help me translate some phrases?
ChatGPT: Sure thing! What phrases do you need help with?
Traveler: I'd like to be able to order food in a restaurant and ask for directions.
ChatGPT: Okay, here are some basic phrases you can use:
To order food in a restaurant: "Sumimasen, menu wo kudasai" (Excuse me, please give me the menu). "Kore wo onegaishimasu" (I'll have this, please). "Arigato gozaimasu" (Thank you very much).
To ask for directions: "Sumimasen, ____ wa doko desu ka?" (Excuse me, where is ____?). "Migi/hidari ni magatte kudasai" (Please turn right/left).