9-3 Web3 (+AI): Pitch Competition

9-3 Web3 (+AI): Pitch Competition
When: 3 Sep 2024 Where: 103 Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94129, USA Where to register: lu.ma

​Join Aiify.io, DraperU, Stellar, DAOPlanet.org, and many more organizations at Edge & Node; House of Web3 for the 9-3 Web3 (+AI) Startup Pitch Competition!

​This may be where you discover the next big thing in decentralization; and that next big thing might just be you!

Apply Here to Pitch

​We'll meet for drinks and networking, then dive headfirst into pitches.
Winning teams may be invited to participate in the upcoming DraperU/Stellar EMBARK Accelerator (with 10 orgs each receiving $50K investment), that starts Nov. 4th. (Get a jump on the Accelerator review process by APPLYING HERE.)

​Our panel of judges are our expert gatekeepers to fame and reward. Expect sharp questions, keen insights, and maybe even a little good-natured ribbing.

​After the judging and awards, we're all here to network and mingle with fellow blockchain buffs, investors, and industry experts. Whether you’re here to pitch, judge, or just soak it all in, there’s probably a valuable or unexpected conversation waiting for you.


​5pm: Doors/Food/Drink
5:30: Sponsor/Partner Announcements
5:45-6:30p: Judging Session #1 (8-10 cos)
6:45-7:30p: Judging Session #2 (8-10 cos)
7:30-8p: Awards Ceremony & Networking.


​TBA - will be added here


​TBA - will be added here

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