AI in Production

AI in Production
When: 18-19 Jul 2024 Where: Asheville, United States 10 Speakers Where to register:

AI in Production is a two-day, single-track conference designed for product teams and software developers tasked with building AI products, offering guidance on best practices and starting points.

This community event brings together professionals to exchange ideas, learn about the latest AI practices and tools, and discuss their applications and limitations with industry leaders and peers in AI and software development.

Join us to learn, network, gain inspiration, and shape the future of AI in business and applications.


Christina Entcheva
GitHub Ethics in technology: History, practice, and mitigation GitHub
Kevin Ball
Mento The Extract/Validate/Extrapolate Loop Mento
Obie Fernandez
Olympia Patterns of Application Development Using AI Olympia
Sujay S Kumar
Tesla Training Large Deep Learning Models: PyTorch vs JAX Tesla
Richard Decal
Dendra Systems Data Alchemy: Transforming Bytes into AI Gold Dendra Systems
J. Mark Locklear
Extension Foundation ExtensionBot: A Domain Specific Generative AI Tool for the Cooperative Extension Service Extension Foundation
Michael Bell
Senior Vice President, Digital Sullivan on Comp
Josh Troop
CHC Troop-Creative The Parallels and Peculiarities of Selling Clinical AI Into Hospitals Troop-Creative
Hannes Hapke
Digits Deploying Large Language Models with Ease Digits
Don Shin CrossComm
Inc. Computers That “Get It”: Using LLMs to Give Software Semantic Understanding CrossComm

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