Conversational AI & Customer Experience

Conversational AI & Customer Experience
When: 6-7 Nov 2024 Where: Munich, Germany Where to register:

Experience the transformative potential of Conversational AI and customer-centric approaches at our event—an exclusive platform designed for learning, networking, and engaging with industry experts. We act as the crucial link connecting you with top professionals, facilitating invaluable knowledge exchange and shaping your future in the landscape of Conversational AI and customer experience. Our event stands as the definitive gateway to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving sphere of customer-centric technologies.

Join us to gain unparalleled insights, forge meaningful networking connections with industry experts, and equip yourself with the expertise needed to thrive.

Conversational AI & Customer Experience is a 2-day networking event that will invite visionary speakers, industry experts, innovative chatbots, and conversational AI technology providers on one platform and facilitate the discussion about the current trends, Future Innovation in the field of Conversational AI.


2 Days Full of Inspiration

30 + Skilled Speakers

2 X Networking with Industry

300 + Delegates

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