Project Voice 2024: The Pillars of Conversational AI

Project Voice 2024: The Pillars of Conversational AI
When: 22-23 Apr 2024 Where: 1100 Market St Suite 700, Chattanooga, TN 37402, USA 21 Speakers Where to register:

Project Voice 2024: The Pillars of Conversational AI brings together the leaders, builders, and investors working with natural language-based artificial intelligence. By invitation only.
Keynotes include Merve Hickok, one of the nation's leading AI ethicists, along with Vineet Khosla, CTO of the Washington Post, and Hina Dixit, partner at Microsoft's famed M12 venture capital unit. The conference itself is MCed and programmed by Bradley Metrock, General Partner of Project Voice Capital Partners.
Attendance will be 70% Fortune 1000 executives investing corporately in conversational AI, with 15% allocated for CEOs of the best conversational AI providers and companies, 10% for VCs and angel investors demonstrably allocating capital into conversational AI startups, and 5% to qualified US-based technology media and analysts. The conference has been likened to the "Davos Summit" within the universe of conversational AI.


Jess Cloud
Ian Harman
Ben Herring (Unum)
Product Leader Unum
Amy Brown
Caitlyn Brooksby
VP Marketing & Strategic Partnerships Canary Speech
Brad Beumer
Small business mentor UiPath
Norrie Daroga
Lauren Sypniewski
Head of Data Operations Deepgram
Ken Sena
CEO & Co-founder, Internet Equity Research Analyst Aiera
Brandon Kaplan
Chief Innovation Officer Journey
Chetan Damani
Emerson Sklar
Chief Evangelist Amazon
Art Coombs
Founder & CEO KomBea Corp.
Surbhi Rathore
CEO & Co-founder
Braden Ream
Hina Dixit
Partner M12 Ventures
Vineet Khosla
Bradley Metrock
Merve Hickok
Tim Kelly
Chattanooga Mayor
J.Ed Marston
VP Strategic Communications EPB

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