The Enterprise Generative AI Summit West (May 21-22, 2024, Silicon Valey, CA) is the premier conference on the West Coast for AI practitioners, data scientists and business leaders looking to adopt Generative AI capabilities within organisations. The conference is split into two tracks: data science and business-level decision-making, to take advantage of technical and senior management expertise.
Two- Track Agenda
Two-track event representing the C-suite and business decision-makers looking to increase investment in Gen AI technology and transform business practices. The second track represents the AI technologists, model builders and internal data science teams within enterprises. Giving you exposure to both teams to aid in the understanding of where and why Gen AI can be adopted.
Adoption & Integration
Both tracks focused on realistic enterprise adoption of Generative AI. Programme goes beyond just the adoption results of Gen AI, but also the data foundation that must be created to harness the power of Gen AI. Equipping you with the tools and background knowledge on how to adopt Gen AI.
Building AI Safety
Goes beyond initial conversations of why AI safety is needed and instead delves into the technical construction of privacy, security, and hallucination-prevention to help mitigate adoption risk. Helping you understand the risks associated with Gen AI and arming you with best practices to avoid costly mistakes.