Applying Ethical Principles from Human Subjects Research to Training AI Systems

Applying Ethical Principles from Human Subjects Research to Training AI Systems

As artificial intelligence (AI) systems become increasingly integrated into various aspects of society, concerns about biased judgments stemming from biased data are garnering significant attention. The implications span from hiring decisions to loan applications and welfare benefits, potentially impacting individuals' lives in profound ways. How can we ensure that humans train AI systems on data that aligns with sound ethical principles?

A multidisciplinary team of researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is proposing a solution rooted in established ethical frameworks. Drawing from the principles outlined in the 1979 Belmont Report, which has long influenced U.S. government policy on human subjects research, the team suggests applying "respect for persons, beneficence, and justice" to AI training data.

In a paper published in the February issue of the journal Computer, the NIST team, led by social scientist Kristen Greene, explores the application of these principles to AI research. They argue that the ethical considerations developed for human subjects research can be adapted to ensure transparency and safeguard the rights of individuals whose data is used to train AI systems.

The Belmont Report emerged in response to unethical research practices, such as the infamous Tuskegee syphilis study, and laid the groundwork for protecting participants in research studies. The U.S. federal regulation known as the Common Rule, derived from the Belmont principles, mandates informed consent from research participants and has been adopted by various federal departments and agencies.

However, the scope of the Belmont principles is currently limited to government research, leaving industry research unbound by these ethical standards. The NIST authors propose extending these principles to encompass all research involving human subjects, including data used to train AI systems.

One of the key concerns addressed by the authors is the potential for biased datasets to perpetuate inequalities. They highlight the importance of ensuring informed consent, minimizing risks to participants, and promoting fair selection criteria to mitigate bias in AI research.

Greene emphasizes that their paper serves as a catalyst for discussions surrounding AI ethics and data usage. Rather than advocating for more government regulation, the authors advocate for a thoughtful approach grounded in ethical principles.

As AI continues to advance, integrating ethical considerations into research practices is essential to uphold the rights and well-being of individuals impacted by AI systems. By leveraging established ethical frameworks, researchers and industry stakeholders can navigate the complex terrain of AI development while prioritizing ethical integrity and societal values.