11 minutes to read - Apr 18, 2023

170+ Writing Prompts For Bloggers

170+ Writing Prompts For Bloggers
170+ Writing Prompts for Bloggers is a valuable resource for bloggers who are struggling to come up with ideas for their next blog post. This comprehensive list of writing prompts covers a wide range of topics, including lifestyle, travel, health, fitness, beauty, technology, finance, and more. Whether you are a new blogger looking for inspiration or an experienced blogger in need of fresh ideas, these writing prompts can help you generate new content and engage with your audience. The prompts are designed to spark your creativity and provide a starting point for your blog post, while also encouraging you to share your personal experiences and insights. With 170+ writing prompts at your disposal, you can keep your blog fresh, interesting, and engaging for your readers.
  1. What are your 2019 goals? Blogging, relationships, financial, fitness or any other goals you have.
  2. What’s on your reading list for 2019?
  3. How do you organize your blogging space?
  4. What is the one thing you wish you knew how to do?
  5. How do you get your kids to try new foods?
  6. Where would you go on your perfect dream vacation?
  7. Write a post inspired by this word: Hope
  8. What is the most memorable gift you have received?
  9. Inspire your readers with an encouraging post.
  10. Use the I Am From template to tell us more about yourself.
  11. What makes you feel beautiful?
  12. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
  13. Tell us about one moment you regret.
  14. Interview your favorite fictional character.
  15. What is the one kitchen utensil you could not cook without?
  16. What job did you dream about having when you were a kid?
  17. Free writing: Set a timer for 5 minutes and write about anything that comes to mind.
  18. Your top 5 social media tips
  19. Share your best healthy dinner recipe.
  20. What is your earliest memory?
  21. Tell us about your writing routine.
  22. What was the best job you ever had?
  23. Favorite winter activity?
  24. How do you protect your privacy online?
  25. Re-write your favorite fairy tale.
  26. What is the hardest thing you had to wait for?
  27. Top ten foods you could eat for the rest of your life.
  28. What songs are on your playlist?
  29. Finish this story: A girl, sitting alone on a rock at the edge of the woods, jumps when she hears…
  30. 5 style trends you would like to see stick around (or come back) this year.
  31. Looking back at the first month of 2019, how are you doing with the goals you set for yourself?
  32. Share your 5 best organization tips.
  33. Groundhog Day! Did you see your shadow when you walked outside this morning?
  34. 5 Valentine’s Day date ideas for people on a budget.
  35. Share the recipe for your favorite Valentine’s Day baked good
  36. Write a post inspired by this word: Family
  37.  Share your top ten romantic movies. We want to see if any of our favorites makes your list.
  38. When was the last time you said, “I love you.”?
  39. At what age should children be allowed to use social media, and how much parent involvement do they need?
  40. Tell us about your favorite room in your house.
  41. Write a short story that features a pair of boots.
  42. Describe your ideal friend. Do you live up to this description in your friendships?
  43. Do you have a favorite fairy tale? Why does that particular story speak to you?
  44. Tell us your favorite thing about yourself.
  45. Valentine’s Day. Is it a big deal in your world?
  46. What advice do you wish you would have received before having kids?
  47. Do you make your bed in the morning or leave it unmade? What do you think this says about you?
  48. Where do you want to be in ten years?
  49. 5 tips to take the perfect photo
  50. Tell us a mysterious story. Or write a review of your favorite mystery book or movie.
  51. President’s Day! Share something about your favorite president.
  52. Your best chicken recipe
  53. What does it mean to you to empower women?
  54. How do you save money on your grocery bill?
  55. How do you cheer up a grouchy person?
  56. What are you wearing today? Share your outfit and tell us about your personal style.
  57. Tell us about something that felt HUGE in the moment, but later turned out to be not such a big deal.
  58. Do you like to do things yourself, or are you good at delegating?
  59. Write a letter to your younger self. Be really honest.
  60. What does financial freedom look like to you?
  61. Read Across America Day! Tell us how you are celebrating, share your favorite book(s), or take us back to a moment when a book helped to change your world.
  62. Describe your perfect weekend getaway
  63. Share your favorite cookie recipe.
  64. How do you keep your kitchen organized?
  65. Many schools have cut funding for art and music programs. Do you think it’s important to bring these electives back, and what are your ideas to get your community involved?
  66. How do you balance blogging and family life?
  67. Do you shop local? Highlight some of your favorite, local small businesses.
  68. Take a walk in the park, and get inspired by what you see and hear. Write a short story or poem. Or give us some tips for a great picnic if that kind of writing isn’t your thing.
  69. March is Women’s history month. What woman in history inspires you?
  70. How are you brave?
  71. Are you prepping your garden for Spring? Share your best gardening tips.
  72. If you could change one thing about your city, what would it be?
  73. National Pi Day! Share your best pie recipe to commemorate the day!
  74. 5 ways to make the most out of Twitter
  75. Write a post inspired by this word: Art
  76. How are you celebrating St. Patrick’s Day?
  77. Have you ever worked in sales? Tell us your best story about that job!
  78. 7 tips to make blogging easier
  79. Tell us about the spring smells, sights, and tastes you are most excited for this year.
  80. Write a piece of pillar content for your blog – something about which you are an expert and do (or will) blog about regularly.
  81. Your favorite fun things to do that don’t cost a lot of money.
  82. How do you thinks social media is affecting our kids?
  83. 10 tips for crafters.
  84. Best waffle recipes and toppings – go!
  85. What three snacks do you always get at the movie theater?
  86. What do you do on rainy days?
  87. Do you have any pets? Share a funny story about them.
  88. Share your most outrageous (or inspirational) road trip story.
  89. Describe how you started blogging and what inspires you.
  90. Best story from your high school science class!
  91. April Fool’s Day! Tell us your best practical joke story.
  92. April is the awareness month for many important causes, which one will you be supporting, and why?
  93. Do you have fun at your job?
  94. How do you incorporate exercise into your day?
  95. What is your hobby? Give us your expert advice to get started so we can try it!
  96. Describe your favorite spring activity.
  97. Write a post inspired by this word: butterfly
  98. 5 tips for staying organized
  99. Tell us a funny story about an animal.
  100. Do you have a sibling? Write a post inspired by him or her.
  101. Let’s talk about libraries and librarians! How have they impacted your life?
  102. What are your best money saving tips?
  103. What generation do you wish you grew up in?
  104. Share a recipe featuring pecans
  105. Write about an important news story.
  106. What advice would you give to someone starting their first garden?
  107. What features are you looking for in a dream house?
  108. How do you juggle all the responsibilities in your day?
  109. Share your favorite recipe featuring cream cheese.
  110. What inspired you to get involved in social media?
  111. How do you keep your children from telling lies?
  112. What is your best photography tip?
  113. Selfie — tell us what you love about yourself.
  114. Have you looked into your family history? Tell us about one of your ancestors.
  115. Write a post inspired by this word: moving
  116. Take your daughter and son to work day. What do you want your child to gain from the experience?
  117. Think of a problem your readers may have and write about the solution.
  118. Tell us a flash fiction story about a boy in a red hat.
  119. What were your three favorite children’s books when you were a kid?
  120. Write an authentic post about something important to your heart.
  121. Do you have a green thumb? Share some gardening tips. Or some gardening mishaps!
  122. How do you find balance in your life?
  123. Share 3 ways you practice self-care.
  124. May the fourth be with you! We can’t let this day pass without writing about Star Wars.
  125. What are your Cinco de Mayo plans?
  126. What is your favorite Mother’s Day craft or recipe?
  127. What is the first thing you see in the morning?
  128. Write about a book you recently read that stayed with you after you closed the last page.
  129. Have you ever tried hot yoga? What was your experience?
  130. What are you studying in your free time? Share your new knowledge with us.
  131. The most disappointed I’ve ever been . . .
  132. Do you feel pressured to be perfect?
  133. Share your best photograph and the story behind it.
  134. Mother’s Day! What is your favorite memory of your mom, or your favorite thing about being a mom?
  135. Describe your dream home.
  136. Are you a tree hugger?
  137. Flash Fiction: Write a short story about a clock.
  138. When you were nine years old….
  139. What does your family do on family night?
  140. If you could time travel to any year, which one would you visit?
  141. Create a beautiful wreath for your door and share the tutorial.
  142. Have you ever canned your own fruits or vegetables? Share a memory or recipe.
  143. What made you smile this week?
  144. Do you procrastinate, or do you like checking things off your list as fast as you can?
  145. Write about your first love — be it a person, place, or thing.
  146. Would you rather swim in the ocean, lake, or swimming pool?
  147. What ingredients make a perfect Saturday?
  148. What is the best thing you ever had for dessert? Share the memory or the recipe.
  149. Memorial Day! Do you have a loved one who gave their life while serving their country?
  150. Do you play a musical instrument? If not, what musical instrument would you love to learn to play?
  151. What are your plans for the summer?
  152. Share one goal you want to achieve this month.
  153. Free write for 7 minutes – and publish without editing.
  154. Have you traced your family tree?
  155. Happy Labor Day! Tell us the most important thing you learned during your first job.
  156. What is your favorite source of news?
  157. When was the last time you received a handwritten letter?
  158. How do you like your pizza (and do you call it a pizza pie)?
  159. International Literacy Day – celebrate by sharing some of your favorite books, or letting us know what you plan to read this fall.
  160. Tell us what family game night looks like in your world.
  161. At the end of a long day, what do you do to relax?
  162. What is on your music playlist right now?
  163. Do you make your bed when you get up in the morning or leave it since you will just mess it up again that night?
  164. Have you ever had jury duty?
  165. How do you remember and honor loved ones who have passed?
  166. When did you first know you were truly loved?
  167. Sandwich Day! Share your best sandwich recipe.
  168. Was there a time you wanted (or needed) to say something, but kept quiet?
  169. Have you ever used a typewriter?
  170. Creative Writing: Imagine you are lost on a deserted island, or in an unexplored forest. What would you see and do?
  171. What are you #SorryNotSorry about today?