30 minutes to read - Apr 18, 2023

380+ Creative Writing Prompts

380+ Creative Writing Prompts
"380+ Creative Writing Prompts" is an extensive collection of thought-provoking prompts designed to inspire and ignite the imagination of writers of all levels. This collection offers a wide range of prompts covering different genres, styles, and themes, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and memoir. The prompts are designed to challenge writers to think outside the box and explore new ideas, characters, and perspectives.

  1. Write a story inspired by the phrase “Back to square one.

  2. Write a story inspired by the phrase “The plot thickens.

  3. Write a story inspired by the phrase “The short end of the stick.

  4. Write a story inspired by the phrase “I’ll eat my hat.”

  5. Write a story inspired by the phrase “It’s hardly brain surgery.”

  6. Write a story containing the words “it’s the thought that counts.”

  7. Write a fable inspired by a relatable life experience (explaining the moral before or after the story, if you’d like).

  8. Write a story where someone insists on giving your main character a ride to the airport, only for their car to break down.

  9. Write about somebody whose intentions are pure, but somehow always manages to do the wrong thing.

  10. Write a story inspired by the concept of arigata-meiwaku — a favor that turns out to be a nuisance for its recipient.

  11. Write about someone rediscovering something old they thought they’d lost.

  12. Write about someone stuck in an endless cycle who finally manages to break free.

  13. Write a story about someone trying to reinvent themselves after spending a long time in a rut.

  14. Set your story at an antique roadshow.

  15. Write about someone finding a treasure in an unexpected place.

  16. Write a story that includes someone saying, “I feel alive.”

  17. Make Japan (or Japanese culture) an element of your story.

  18. Write a story about a character who’s late to witness a special event.

  19. Write about a character who is starting to open up to life again.

  20. Start your story with your character(s) going to buy some flowers.

  21. Start your story with someone vowing to take revenge.

  22. Write a story about a fandom

  23. Set your story in New York, where someone’s been waiting for your character.

  24. Write about someone who decides to make their own version of something old.

  25. Start a story that begins with a character saying “Speak now.”

  26. Start your story with “It was so terribly cold. Snow was falling, and it was almost dark.” (Hans Christian Andersen, “The Little Match Girl”)

  27. Write a modern version of "The Tiger, the Brahmin, and the Jackal," in which someone suffers from their own good deeds and must turn to an unlikely source for help.

  28. Write a story inspired by this quote from Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy: “In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost.”

  29. Write a story where a character must continue to tell their tale to a listener to avoid unsavory consequences.

  30. Write about a character who’s attending a dinner thrown in their honor, but deeply embarrasses themself during their speech.

  31. Write about someone who thinks they just got a great deal on something, only for them to realize…

  32. Write a story about someone who is determined to not have their day spoiled — but the universe is trying their patience.

  33. Write about a character who would have complete happiness, if it weren’t for that one thing.

  34. Write a story that starts with the line “So, what’s the catch?”

  35. Write about a human and a cat that come to some kind of mutual understanding.

  36. Set your story in a cat shelter.

  37. Write about a cat living in an ancient temple, like the Acropolis.

  38. Write a story from the point of view of a big cat — whether that’s a lion, cheetah, etc., or just a chunky pet.

  39. Start your story with a character being led somewhere by a stray cat.

  40. Write a story entirely of dialogue. Nothing but dialogue. No attributives (he said, she said, etc.). No descriptions of scenes or gestures or movements (unless these things are presented in the dialogue). Just words between quotation marks. Pure, beautiful, untainted dialogue.

  41. Write a story that formally utilizes a mathematical sequence; e.g., the Fibonacci sequence could determine the number of words in each paragraph, or start with a number and work backwards. Make sure the formula is made clear, either within the story, or before or after it.

  42. Write a story of fragments. Many options here: no verbs, sentence fragments, short sections, nothing but objects, etc. The fragments should relate to one another obliquely, hesitantly, subtly, ambiguously, preposterously, marvelously.

  43. Write a story in which each paragraph begins or ends (or both!) with the same sentence.

  44. Set all or part of your story in a jam-packed storage unit.

  45. Write about a dragon who doesn’t know what to do with their hoard anymore.

  46. Start a story with someone saying, “It’s mine, and you can’t have it!”

  47. Someone’s beloved collection is destroyed. How do they react?

  48. Write a story about someone who doesn’t know how to let go.

  49. Write a story where a character has to decide whether to press the button or not.

  50. Write about someone who has chosen to disconnect and live an analog life.

  51. Write a story about a character who is experiencing glitches in their reality.

  52. Set your story during a complete city or nation-wide blackout.

  53. Start your story with someone saying “Houston, we have a problem.”

  54. Write a story about two characters whose paths briefly cross, but are actually going in opposite directions — whether literally or figuratively.

  55. Write a story that includes the line “We’re just too different.”

  56. Write about a character who uses sarcasm as a defense mechanism.

  57. Write a story about two opposites finding themselves surprisingly attracted to one another.

  58. Write a story about someone who is cursed to always say the opposite of what they mean.

  59. Start your story with someone entering a taxi and saying ‘follow that car.’

  60. Write about a character who wishes they could just disappear — and then they do.

  61. Write a story where someone’s paranoia is justified.

  62. Set your story in a society where everyone is constantly aware of unwanted surveillance.

  63. Start your story with a home alarm system going off.

  64. Write a story that includes someone saying, “Let’s go for a walk.”

  65. Write about a character who, for whatever reason, retreats to a remote cabin.

  66. Write about a character who’s climbing a mountain, whether internal, external, or both.

  67. Write a story about someone who has to “move mountains” to get what they want.

  68. Write about someone who realizes they're on the wrong path.

  69. Write about someone whose luck is running out.

  70. Set your story in a casino.

  71. Write about someone losing their lucky charm.

  72. Start your story with someone having a run of bad luck.

  73. Write a story that hinges on the outcome of a coin flip.

  74. End your story with a kiss at midnight.

  75. Write a story about someone scrambling on New Year's Eve to fulfil their resolutions for the entire year before the clock strikes twelve.

  76. Your character always makes the same promise; to change. Will they finally make it happen this time?

  77. Write a story in the form of a list of New Year's resolutions.

  78. Start your story with someone making a vision board.

  79. Write a story about an unconventional holiday tradition.

  80. Write about a cynical character realizing they do have something to celebrate after all.

  81. Set your story at a work holiday party

  82. Write a story that takes place over the eight nights of Hannukah.

  83. Write a story about a family (biological or found) coming together for Christmas.

  84. Write a story about a character who struggles to translate their thoughts and feelings into words and action.

  85. Lost in a foreign city where they don’t speak the language, your character uses a translation app to get around, but constantly runs into problems.

  86. Write about someone who is slowly forgetting their mother tongue or losing their language.

  87. Set your story in a meeting where a professional interpreter takes some liberties, with major consequences.

  88. Write a story about two or more characters who don't speak each other's language (literally or metaphorically), but still find a way to communicate.

  89. Set your story in a magical bookshop.

  90. Write a story told from the point of view of an animal.

  91. Cast a magician (a real one, or a party entertainer) as your story’s protagonist.

  92. Start your story with someone witnessing magic from a hiding place.

  93. Write a story involving a magical potion — which may or may not work.

  94. Write a story that includes someone saying, “Thank you for that.”

  95. Write about a professional who is called back to serve their community after retirement.

  96. Write about a character who discovers something while raking leaves in their neighborhood.

  97. Write a story about someone who volunteers to read for others at the local library, and how it impacts their community.

  98. Start your story with two people planting a tree together.

  99. Write a story about a brilliant scientist making a startling discovery.

  100. Write about two old friends meeting for the first time in years.

  101. Write a story where someone says, “Everything is changing.”

  102. Write a story that includes the phrase “Thank you! It’s just what I wanted.”

  103. Write a story starring a store cashier, during the busy pre-holiday season.

  104. Write about a character going to great lengths to return an unwanted gift.

  105. End your story with a character receiving a deeply meaningful gift they weren’t expecting.

  106. Coming up with a gift idea was the easy part — getting your hands on it is another thing entirely.

  107. Write a story about a character who acts like they ‘don’t have feelings’ — except they’re just putting up a facade.

  108. Set your story in an unfiltered world, where people are always honest about how they feel.

  109. Write about a character reminiscing over something they should have said, and how their life would be completely different had they said it.

  110. Write about a character who must confess their true feelings by midnight, or risk losing it all.

  111. Set your story in a world devoid of logic, where feelings govern all decision-making.

  112. Your character is about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. The story takes place during a long-haul flight, with an open return-date. What happens?

  113. Write a story where someone decides to take the long way home.

  114. Write about a character who is trying to leave something or someone behind — only to realize they carry it with them.

  115. Write about two solo travelers who keep bumping into each other in the most unexpected of places.

  116. Start your story with someone looking at a breathtaking view and getting emotional.

  117. Re-write Frankenstein from the perspective of the monster that Dr. Frankenstein created.

  118. You wake up one day to discover that you've been transported inside of a novel... and it's a horror novel.

  119. A troop of clowns is performing in your city this weekend... and on the day of, some strange things start happening.

  120. Write a horror story that subverts the Cursed Artifact trope.

  121. "Hi, this is the IRS."

  122. In this world, everyone is born knowing how old they will be when they die.

  123. You get to star in a reality TV show of your choice. Which show do you choose, and what kind of a character do you become on that show?

  124. Write a short story that charts the beginning of a relationship to its end.

  125. You just got promoted at work... but your new boss is a piece of work. Or so you thought.

  126. Write about your happiest memory, and what about it made you so happy.

  127. Write about a time that you failed in your objective.

  128. What qualities do you look for in a friend? Why?

  129. Set a narrative inside of the last dream you had.

  130. Write about a time that you were lost (metaphorically or literally).

  131. You are given three wishes, but there's a catch: one of them won't come true for the rest of your life, and you don't get to pick which one it is. What do you wish for?

  132. Write about a time you felt betrayed.

  133. How has your relationship with social media changed over the past five years, if at all?

  134. Craft a 30-second pitch for yourself to a stranger in a coffee shop. How would you describe yourself in that 30 seconds?

  135. Your home is ablaze. What are the first five things you grab on your way out of the door? Why?

  136. What is your earliest memory? Describe it using all five senses.

  137. What would you title your autobiography? Why?

  138. Do you think that human nature is inherently good or evil? Or none of the above? Explain your reasoning.

  139. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Write about what you consider to be the disadvantages and advantages of each.

  140. If you were a Buzzfeed quiz, which quiz would you be? Why?

  141. What was the last daydream that you dreamt while in class? (Be honest.) Turn that into a short story.

  142. Write a story inspired by your favorite Tiktok reel.

  143. You're trapped on a version of Groundhog Day... and the day that keeps looping for you is the day right before summer break starts.

  144. Write a letter to your middle school self. What would you want them to know?

  145. Interview your favorite fictional villain. What questions would you ask them?

  146. You have to escape from a house on fire. What are the first three things you grab? Why?

  147. Explain a computer to someone from the 16th century.

  148. Define what trust means to you.

  149. Write a letter describing yourself and your modern life to a pen pal who lives in the year 1905.

  150. What's your first memory? Describe it on paper using all five senses.

  151. Write a guidebook for someone from outer space who is visiting your neighborhood for the first time.

  152. Re-write a famous fairy tale from the villain's perspective.

  153. Would you rather be able to change the past or change the future? Why?

  154. Write about a time when you did something without thinking it through.

  155. Finish this sentence: "I wish that I..."

  156. You find a magical portal in your bedroom one day. Do you step into it? What happens?

  157. Write a scary story that you could tell around a campfire!

  158. If you could be anything in the world, what would you be? Why?

  159. Write about your dream for the future. Be as descriptive as possible.

  160. If I were the teacher for a day, this is what I would do! Write about it.

  161. Write about a time that you took a chance.

  162. Think about your favorite place in the world. What makes it so special to you? Write about it.

  163. Write about a time that you felt betrayed.

  164. Write about a time that you were brave.

  165. One day, you wake up... and your pet has started talking to you! What do they say?

  166. Write a letter to a pen pal in a far away land.

  167. Your friend invents a time-traveling machine, and invites you to enter it. Which year do you travel to?

  168. You get to meet a character from your favorite book. Which three do you pick, and why?

  169. What's your first memory? Describe it as if it were a story.

  170. If I were rich, the first thing I would do is...

  171. Write a story where a character's last words to someone are: "I wish I could forget you."

  172. One is the loneliest number. And you're one.

  173. "You've been staring out of the window for the last 3 hours. Why?"

  174. "I'll be here forever," they said. But they had a different definition of 'forever' than you.

  175. Write a story that centers memory loss.

  176. "Some days it's hard to even get out of bed."

  177. Write a story that follows a relationship from its start to its end.

  178. Write a story that expands on Ernest Hemingway's famous 6-word story: "For sale: baby shoes. Never worn."

  179. Write a story set during a visit to the graveyard.

  180. "I thought that hatred was the worst that our relationship could devolve into. But I was wrong. Indifference is even worse than hatred."

  181. Write a story that both starts and ends with the word, "Goodbye."

  182. Fly by the seat of your pants and write a story without a plan.

  183. Write a story that involves the architectural plans for a building.

  184. Write about a plan that goes wrong, for the better.

  185. Write a story about a character who tries to control their life down to the most minute detail — but has to learn to let go.

  186. Start your story with the line “I’ve got a plan”.

  187. Write a traditional English poem in iambic pentameter.

  188. Write a poem with zero punctuation.

  189. Choose a title from our Book Title Generator. Write a poem inspired by that title.

  190. Pick a random number. Write a poem with that many stanzas.

  191. Write a haiku about love.

  192. Write a poem about loss.

  193. Write a poem based on your saddest memory.

  194. Write a poem based on your happiest memory.

  195. Write a poem about growing old.

  196. Write a poem about wanting something that you can't have.

  197. Write a poem about your favorite part of nature.

  198. Pick an emotion. Write a poem that expresses that emotion.

  199. Write an acrostic poem using the word H-O-M-E.

  200. Write a poem based on your favorite childhood memory.

  201. Write a poem inspired by your favorite color.

  202. Listen to your current surroundings. Write a poem based on what you hear.

  203. Look around you. Write a poem based on what you see.

  204. Write a poem about summer.

  205. Write a poem about winter.

  206. Write a poem about fall.

  207. Write a poem inspired by your favorite saying.

  208. Write a poem inspired by your favorite song.

  209. About six years ago, he was turned into a vampire by his best friend. This is the story of everything that happened since.

  210. Write a short story that ends with the question: "Will you join me?"

  211. Write a story from the perspective of a third party who witnesses the moment that someone gets turned into a vampire.

  212. Write a story about revenge.

  213. Write a short story about a vampire hunter on a mission to kill the last remaining vampire in the world.

  214. Write a story that starts with: "That was the last time she saw herself alive."

  215. Write about a vampire who becomes an editor at a publishing house in a desperate attempt to edit Twilight for accuracy.

  216. Write a story about a vampire trying to cross international borders.

  217. Write about a vampire who has just tried a bite of pasta for the first time in 241 years.

  218. Write about the concept of mortality from the perspective of a vampire.

  219. Your favorite coffin has been stolen. What do you do?

  220. In the form of text messages, write a conversation between a young tech-savvy vampire and an ancient vampire who doesn't know how to text.

  221. In the form of letters, write a love story between two vampires.

  222. Write a story that details the rise and fall of a vampire clan.

  223. The cure to vampirism has just been discovered. Do the vampires in your world decide to take it, or forgo it?

  224. Write about two vampires who have a meet-cute after one has accidentally spills a pint of blood over the other.

  225. Write about a vampire who hates the taste of blood.

  226. You are a bat, and you and your bat friends are annoyed when some noisy vampires rudely move into your cave.

  227. A vampire and a werewolf walk into a bar.

  228. It's Valentine's Day… and the neighborhood flower shop just delivered a hundred cacti instead of the hundred roses you ordered.

  229. Write a story in the form of love letters exchanged between two people on Valentine's Day.

  230. Set your story in a shopping mall during Black Friday.

  231. Start your story with someone saying, sarcastically, "What have I got to be thankful for?"

  232. Set your story during a Thanksgiving parade.

  233. Your character has a plan. They're going to save the turkeys. All of them.

  234. Write about someone who's turkey recipe is to die for — literally.

  235. Write about a character who is back home for the holidays, and finds that nothing has changed.

  236. Write about a Thanksgiving potluck gone wrong.

  237. It's Thanksgiving, and somebody's forgotten the turkey.

  238. Write a story about a character reflecting on all they have to be grateful for.

  239. Your character's father stands up to give a speech at Thanksgiving. What he says next surprises everyone.

  240. Start your story with a character saying "This year, I'm thankful for..."

  241. Write a story about a family gathering to watch the biggest football game of the year.

  242. Write about a Thanksgiving meal from the perspective of someone who is not grateful.

  243. You're nervous because it's your first time in charge of Thanksgiving dinner, and you could've sworn that the dead turkey in front of you just… squawked?

  244. "What are YOU doing here for Thanksgiving?"

  245. Write a story set in a school musical.

  246. Write a story about someone who's just made a terrible mistake in life. How do they go about fixing it?

  247. Write a story that takes place completely on social media.

  248. Write a story about a rainy day.

  249. Write a story about a character who acts differently online vs. offline.

  250. Write an essay about your relationship with technology.

  251. Finish this sentence: "I strongly believe that..."

  252. Write a short story where all of the characters are villains!

  253. Write a letter to your future self in five years.

  254. Set your story at an awkward family gathering.

  255. You just got transported into a song! Which song is it, and what do you do next?

  256. Write a story just using texts.

  257. The cicadas came early this summer. Little did everyone know that it was actually an omen.

  258. Write a story about a character whose favorite season has switched from winter to summer. Why?

  259. It just hit 110 degrees Fahrenheit, and your air conditioning unit just broke.

  260. Write a story titled "It Happened One Summer."

  261. Write a story about a summer fling.

  262. Write a story about a family summer vacation to Europe that… does not go to plan.

  263. A new spring. A new you.

  264. Write a story set in a dog park on a spring day.

  265. Wait, you think to yourself. Something's wrong. It's April, and the leaves haven't grown back on the trees yet.

  266. "SPRING BREAK!" you say to your friend. "This year, we have to — " (Finish the sentence, and then write the story.)

  267. Write a story set in an arboretum as the season changes from winter to spring.

  268. This year's spring showers are as frequent as ever, except for one big difference — the sky is showering money.

  269. Your crush at work has developed a habit of setting a fresh bouquet of flowers on their desk once spring started… and you have allergies.

  270. Set your story on a planet with no water.

  271. Write about a challenge that you experienced in your life, and then overcame.

  272. Pick one of the five senses. Write a descriptive piece about your surroundings based on that sense.

  273. Write about a time when you explored somewhere new.

  274. Write about a time that you felt happy.

  275. Look at your most recent text. Write a story based on that text.

  276. Write about a time that you made a mistake with lasting ramifications.

  277. Write about a time when you helped someone.

  278. Write about a time when you felt like an outsider at an event.

  279. Write about a time that you failed.

  280. Choose a controversial topic from the news. Write an opinion piece on it.

  281. Pick an impactful moment from your childhood. Write about it from the lens of adulthood.

  282. The New York Times runs a weekly Modern Love column. Write your own "tiny love" column about a relationship in less than 100 words.

  283. Write about your least favorite memory.

  284. Write about your favorite memory.

  285. Create a holiday — one of your own making. What is this holiday of yours? Who celebrates it? How do you celebrate it?

  286. You get to create a new nation. What is your national animal? National flower? National anthem?

  287. Where is your dream house? Write a story based on that.

  288. I'm the last person standing on Earth, and...

  289. You just got teleported into a movie! What movie is it, and what's your next move?

  290. What is the holiday that you like the most? Why?

  291. Write about something that made you sad recently.

  292. Describe your happiest memory.

  293. You have a choice between the superpowers of invisibility, flight, and teleportation. Which do you choose? Why?

  294. Your teacher has been turned into a pumpkin! What do you do to fix this situation?

  295. Look outside and pick a random person. Describe them.

  296. Finish the sentence: This year, I want this list of things from Santa...

  297. Finish the sentence: This year, my New Year's Resolution is...

  298. Your friend has crossed over to the dark side! What do you do? Do you join them or do you fight them?

  299. If you were in charge of the country, what policy would you change first?

  300. If you opened a restaurant, what kind of restaurant would you open?

  301. Write a story about a day out in the amusement park! What do you do?

  302. Write a letter to your favorite character. What do you want to tell them?

  303. Write about your favorite person in the world. Why do you like them?

  304. What qualities do you look for in a friend? Why?

  305. One morning, you wake up and you can't believe that...

  306. If I could, then I would...

  307. Write about the person who you most admire in the world.

  308. Write a letter to yourself from a year ago.

  309. You have a magic wand. What do you do with it?

  310. Think about a time that you were sad. What made you feel that way?

  311. What is your dream job? Write a story based on that.

  312. Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time, in a land far, far away..."

  313. Write a story that starts with the word: "Why."

  314. If you had $10, what would you buy with it?

  315. Write about what you did last summer.

  316. You find a map, saying "X marks the spot", and you decide to see where it leads. Write about your adventure.

  317. Write a story about buried treasure.

  318. Write a story about a long journey by sea.

  319. The penguins have escape from the zoo, and it's your job to round them up. What's the plan?

  320. What's your favorite food? Write about it using all 5 sense.

  321. A mysterious benefactor will pay $100,000 to anyone willing to stay in a haunted house overnight.

  322. The walls of the house are dripping with something. What is it?

  323. Start your story with a character saying "I wouldn't go in there if I were you."

  324. Set your story in a deep, dark wood.

  325. The phone won't stop ringing, but it's not plugged into the wall.

  326. If I were a superhero, I would...

  327. Describe the color blue to someone who's never seen it before.

  328. Describe your neighborhood to someone who's never been there before.

  329. Write a story that takes place completely in the dark.

  330. Write an essay about technology, and the role that it plays in your life.

  331. "Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the ________ of them all?"

  332. Look around you and pick an inanimate object. Write a story from its perspective.

  333. Write a story from the perspective of someone older than you.

  334. Write a short story about peer pressure, and how it affects all of the characters in the story.

  335. Just overheard in the science lab: "Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're CuTe."

  336. You're in charge of coming up with the best and biggest prank that your school has ever witnessed in its history.

  337. Set your story in the principal's office.

  338. Write about a tradition that only your family shares.

  339. Write a short story about a secret.

  340. Write about a time when you overcame a challenge.

  341. Describe a quiet place.

  342. Describe a time that you made a mistake.

  343. Describe a time that you failed.

  344. Write a short story about your dream career.

  345. Write a story based on these words: red, tree, needle, game.

  346. You just got transported into a video game. Which video game is it, and what's your next move?

  347. "This. Was. Officially. The. Worst. Vacation. Ever."

  348. Your rich aunt has just passed away, leaving you with an inheritance of $500,000. What do you do with it?

  349. Set your story in study hall.

  350. Write a story about a social media rumor.

  351. Write a story about a salutatorian.

  352. It's the summer before college, and your character has one last goodbye to make.

  353. It's Halloween, and a war has suddenly erupted among the neighborhood kids. The battle: Twix versus Kit-Kats. Who wins?

  354. Write a story set in a haunted fairground on Halloween.

  355. Write about a costume competition at a Halloween party.

  356. Write about a caveman who accidentally time travels to present-day Halloween, only to become unexpectedly popular in the town because of a surprising talent: pumpkin carving.

  357. Write a story about a family that goes pumpkin picking together.

  358. "Wow, great costume! How'd you make it?" you say to the kid dressed as the Grim Reaper, reaching a hand out to test the material of the mask. The mask doesn't come off. It's not a costume.

  359. You are the owner of the best Halloween costume store in town. Then a rival costume store moves in… and sets up shop right next to you.

  360. Write a story about a lost scarf.

  361. Write a story in which a pumpkin spice latte plays a crucial role.

  362. Set your story in an orchard.

  363. Start your story with a character taking a sip of hot apple cider.

  364. Write a story about a character who is deeply affected by the changing of the seasons.

  365. Start your story with a leaf falling.

  366. Write a story about a farmer bringing in their harvest.

  367. In this world, the leaves on trees change color every fall based on the changing mood of the people. This year, the leaves all turn black.

  368. Using only text messages, write a story about the start of the school.

  369. Write a story that ends with the sentence: "And that was the first and last time that I tried to bake a pumpkin pie."

  370. Write a story that begins with the sentence: "I hate fall, but I love autumn."

  371. Set your story at a farmer's market that is struggling to remain relevant this autumn.

  372. Write a story about someone seeing leaves change color for the first time.

  373. Write a story from the perspective of a pumpkin patch owner on the first and last day of autumn.

  374. Pick one of the five senses. Write about fall using that sense.

  375. Write a story that starts with, "The clock ticked past 61."

  376. Write about the end of the world… of Atlantis.

  377. A mobile app tells you the amount of time that you have left to live. One morning, this time on everyone's phones syncs to the same number.

  378. The last ragtag group of humans on Earth meets the last ragtag group of zombies on Earth.

  379. Write about an apocalypse triggered by technology. What happened?

  380. Write a story about two enemies who must band together to survive the aftermath of the end of the world.

  381. You are a clone designed to mimic your human's every movement and habit so that you can seamlessly take over after the apocalypse starts, but there's just one problem: your human is the weirdest human being ever.

  382. It's one hour before the end of the world. What do you do with that time?

  383. Write a story about a group of zombie friends who go adventuring together after the apocalypse.

  384. No one left on Earth knows what the color blue looks like… until one day, the great fog parts and the sky appears for the first time in a millennia.

  385. In the form of diary entries, write a story from the perspective of the last remaining person in the world.

  386. In the end, it wasn't humankind that destroyed the world. It was (fill in the blank).

  387. "Ma'am, move aside. We're here to investigate a crime."
