3 minutes to read - Aug 16, 2024
Automate and Simplify Phone Calls with AI Assistance.

Freemium $3.99/mo

LangCall is an AI-powered tool designed to alleviate the stress of making phone calls, particularly when dealing with cumbersome phone menus or long hold times. It automates the entire calling process, allowing users to save time and effort by outsourcing calls to an AI agent.


The primary objective of LangCall is to streamline the phone call process for users, reducing the frustration of navigating automated phone systems or waiting in queues. By leveraging AI, LangCall takes over these tasks, allowing users to focus on more important matters.

Target Audience:

LangCall is ideal for busy professionals, individuals who frequently deal with customer service lines, and anyone who finds phone calls stressful or time-consuming. It’s especially useful for those who need to make routine calls but would prefer to avoid the hassle of dealing with automated systems.

Unique Features:

Automated Call Handling: Users can input their phone number and the purpose of the call, and LangCall's AI agent will manage the entire process, from dialing the number to navigating voice menus.

Two Modes of Operation:

Transfer-to-Me Mode: The AI handles the preliminary steps of the call, such as navigating menus and waiting on hold, before connecting the user directly to a human representative.

Fully Automated AI Mode: The AI can handle the entire conversation on behalf of the user, asking questions, gathering information, and performing tasks like checking availability or scheduling appointments.

Real-Time Supervision: Users can monitor the call in real-time, allowing them to stay informed about the conversation and intervene if necessary.

Comprehensive Call Summaries: After the call, LangCall provides a detailed summary of the conversation, generated by its advanced AI, ensuring that users are fully aware of the call’s outcome.

Stress-Free Calling: By outsourcing the call to an AI, users can avoid the frustration of waiting on hold or dealing with complex phone menus, making the process more efficient and stress-free.

Real-World Example:

A small business owner needs to contact a supplier to confirm an order but doesn’t have the time to wait on hold. Using LangCall, they enter the necessary details and choose the 'Transfer-to-Me' mode. The AI handles the initial steps, and once a representative answers, the business owner is connected directly, saving them valuable time. Alternatively, for routine follow-ups, they can use the 'Fully Automated AI' mode to have LangCall handle the entire conversation.

LangCall offers a modern solution for anyone looking to simplify their phone interactions. Whether you need to manage routine calls or simply want to avoid the hassle of phone menus, LangCall provides a reliable and efficient way to ensure your calls are handled professionally, without the need for constant personal involvement.

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