1 minute to read - Jun 20, 2023
Use HopShop to search for clothes in images and find similar items.


New HopShop update! Find more products with new partner stores and get a chance to win $10 Amazon gift cards as a thank-you. Shop smarter today!

Looking for a seamless shopping experience? Look no further than HopShop!

Our app allows you to easily find and purchase any fashion-related item (clothing, shoes, accessories) you come across in images online or in real life.

With just 3 simple steps, you can hop your way to the perfect product:

1. Snap a screenshot or take a picture of the item you're interested in.

2. Upload it to HopShop and select the product you're searching for.

3. Enjoy browsing through thousands of identical or similar products available on the market.

This is our beta version, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any feedback or bug reports. We're committed to delivering a seamless shopping experience and will continue to add new features in the future.

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