2 minutes to read - Mar 27, 2023


Create and Transform Images with AI.

Freemium $12/mo

Explore the ultimate suite of AI tools at getimg.ai, revolutionizing image creation and editing. Unleash your creativity with our AI Generator, Image Editor, AI Canvas, and DreamBooth. Easily generate images from text, edit photos with words, and expand pictures beyond borders. With 60+ AI models, including Real-Time and ControlNet, the possibilities are endless. Trusted by industry leaders, getimg.ai is perfect for headshots, illustrations, stock photos, anime art, interior design, and more. Join our creative community and discover the power of AI in image generation.

Key Features:

AI Generator: Turn text into stunning images

Real-Time AI Generator: Lightning-fast image generation with three styles

AI Canvas: Unlimited creative possibilities on an infinite canvas

DreamBooth: Customize AI models for avatars, product shots, and more

Image Editor: Edit images with text, inpainting, and outpainting capabilities

ControlNet: Guide AI using your own images for personalized results

API Access: Integrate with a simple and flexible API for advanced image generation

Use Cases:

Headshots for CVs, Tinder, or other documents

Anime art creation with the joint power of AI and imagination

License-free stock photos using powerful photo-realistic AI models

Perfect photo shoots for products with the AI DreamBooth model

Creative content for marketing campaigns, social media, and blogs

Custom AI models for illustrations, avatars, and unique artworks

Join the Community:

Stay up to date with the latest features, participate in weekly contests, and share your creations with a vibrant creative community.

Trusted by Industry Leaders:

Erfan from AICenter.ai and other experts endorse getimg.ai as the go-to tool for stunning and creative image generation.

Ready to Get Started?

Create a free account and explore the endless possibilities of AI-powered image creation at getimg.ai. No credit card required.

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