Over 2.5 Billion images are stolen or used without the owner's permission EACH DAY. This equates to $598 billion in lost revenue, EACH DAY. Pixmo's mission is to stop this.
Pixmo is the creative industries' digital asset management partner. We scan the internet twenty-four hours a day ensuring that no one is using your assets without your explicit permission. And, if they are, our team can help you get compensated for that copyright infringement.
Made For: Interior Designers, Photographers, OnlyFans Creators, Graphic Designers, E-commerce, MUA's, and pretty much any creative that has digital assets!
Our state-of-the-art AI technology efficiently locates exact matches of your images on the internet 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year without having to manage spreadsheets.
Paired with user-friendly management tools for effective copyright infringement enforcement so you can get compensated for unauthorized asset use.