3 minutes to read - Mar 21, 2023
Transform Your Ideas into Impactful Presentations.

Freemium $22/mo

Don't just present—Pitch! Elevate your presentation game with Pitch, the fastest way for your team to create and share beautiful presentations that deliver results. Whether you're crafting a product launch plan or a captivating sales pitch, Pitch harnesses the power of AI to streamline every step of the presentation-making process.

Key Features:

Start with AI: Kickstart your presentation with an AI draft, expert-made templates, or build from scratch.

Edit with Ease: Create sleek slides faster than ever, adding text, images, and video embeds effortlessly.

Share Anywhere: Convince anyone, from anywhere, by sharing your presentation with a live link, notes, timer, and more.

Measure Success: Gain insights into what's working and who's engaged with tailored links and detailed analytics.

How Pitch Works:

Create a Presentation: Generate, discover, or use templates to jump-start your deck with AI.

Edit Your Slides: Quickly add content, collaborate in real time, and build elegant animations.

Share Effectively: Share live links, present with notes, and embed your deck anywhere on the web.

Measure Impact: Tailor links for different recipients, track opens, and analyze slide views.

Connect Seamlessly:

Integrate Pitch with your favorite apps and libraries, including Notion, Slack, Giphy, Google Analytics, and more. Keep visuals, data, and collaboration in sync effortlessly.

Inspiration from Outstanding Decks:

Explore a gallery of decks that have helped teams close deals, secure funding, and drive decisions. From the rapid testing framework to sales deck masterpieces, witness the impact of Pitch in action.

For Every Team Member:

Whether you're a designer, sales professional, marketer, or business owner, Pitch caters to your needs. Create pixel-perfect layouts, craft compelling stories, or land your next big deal with Pitch's robust features.

What Users Say:

Brando Vasquez, Branding and Design Lead: "Pitch empowers me to create style guides with custom fonts efficiently."

Stephanie McSwiney, VP Sales: "Collaborate seamlessly and track engagement with clients through shared presentation links."

Gabriel MacSweeney, Head of Brand and Communications: "Minimal effort, maximum impact—Pitch enables non-designers to create stunning presentations."

Get Started with Pitch:

Sign up for free and enjoy unlimited members, presentations, and custom templates. Join over a million teams already celebrating success with Pitch!

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