2 minutes to read - Dec 26, 2023
A website builder that allows you to build interactive websites fast and easy.


Palet is an innovative website builder that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to offer a seamless and efficient web design experience. It provides a user-friendly interface, advanced features, and the capability to switch between UI and code as per convenience.

Key Features

AI-Powered Design: Palet's most notable feature is its AI integration. It simplifies the design and coding process, eliminating the need for manual code insertion or context setup for AI.

Advanced UI Editor: Palet offers a highly advanced UI editor for building webpage animations. It is the first UI for the GSAP animation library with a timeline preview, requiring no coding.

Interactive Websites: With Palet, you can create interactive, award-winning websites.

Code Switching: With Palet, you are not limited by the UI. You can switch between UI and code seamlessly as needed.

Integrated Libraries: Palet integrates JavaScript libraries like GSAP and Three.js, previously only accessible to developers.

Netlify Deployment: Deploy your website to Netlify with a single click and map your website to a custom domain for free.

Responsive Design: Design once for all screen sizes and test on any device of your choice.

Iconify Integration: Select from over 150,000 vector icons from popular sets integrated directly into the editor.

Use Cases

Palet is suitable for anyone looking to build interactive websites quickly and easily. It is particularly beneficial for those with limited coding knowledge due to its AI integration and user-friendly editor. It also caters to developers with its code switching feature and integrated libraries.

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