1 minute to read - May 9, 2023


ChatGPT can help users plan their day by suggesting a schedule based on their priorities, meetings, and deadlines. The conversation can go something like this:

User: Hi ChatGPT, can you help me plan my day?

ChatGPT: Sure! What are your priorities for today?

User: I need to finish a report for work, go to the gym, and pick up groceries.

ChatGPT: Okay, let me suggest a schedule for you. How about you work on the report from 9 am to 12 pm, go to the gym from 12 pm to 1 pm, and then pick up groceries at 1:30 pm?

User: That sounds good. Can you set reminders for each task?

ChatGPT: Of course! I will set reminders for you to start working on the report at 9 am, go to the gym at 12 pm, and pick up groceries at 1:30 pm.
