2 minutes to read - Apr 12, 2023

Correcting OCR errors in historical texts

Correct the OCR errors in the following passage: HIS MAJESTIES oECLARATION 'CONCERNINQ The TR E A T y and 1113 Diflike of the eflrmie: p1oceedings, (ye, Hen large pretences prove but the ihadowes of weakc perfdrmantes, then the greateft when aperiod is put to aworke of great concernment, all mens cars do (as it were) hunger till they are fatif-,' fled 1n their expefiati'ons. Hath nor this diflra111 ed Na~ tion groaned a long time under the burden of tyranny, and oppreflion P and hath not all the blood that hath- been fpilt thefe feven yeares been cafi upon My head, who am the greatefi Suffcrcr, though the leaf't' guilty. 1' And was it 110t requifite to endeavotu the? flopping of that flux, which, if 1101 ('top'1.,wzllbring- an abfolute dei'nuaion to this Nation. 1' And What more A 2 ' fpecdy' "1 11 111111; labouts produce the finallefi el¥e€ts and'

HIS MAJESTIES DECLARATION CONCERNING The TREATY and THE Dislike of the extreme proceedings, "When large pretenses prove but the shadows of weak performances, then the greatest satisfaction is given when a period is put to a work of great concernment, all men's hearts do (as it were) hunger until they are satisfied in their expectations. Hath not this distressed Nation groaned a long time under the burden of tyranny and oppression? And hath not all the blood that hath been spilt these seven years been cast upon My head, who am the greatest Sufferer, though the least guilty? And was it not requisite to endeavour the stopping of that flux, which, if not stopped, will bring an absolute ruin to this Nation? And what more speedy labours produce the final effects?"
