21 minutes to read - Jun 9, 2023

Ultimate Bard AI use case guide with 200+ best prompts across

Ultimate Bard AI use case guide with 200+ best prompts across
Educating everyone with the beauty of programming!!
Table of Contents
1Tips & Tricks to master Bard AI prompts:
3. Experiment with different prompts
4. Use Bard to learn new skills
5. Collaborate with Bard
6. Review Bard’s responses
7. Provide feedback
2Bard AI Prompts list for multiple use cases:
Bard as Linux Terminal:
Write Code
Unit testing
Bug finding
Code documentation
Regex explanation
Factorial calculation
SQL Query
Action Plan
Attention-Grabbing Headlines
Blog Post Outline
Product Description
Elevator Pitch
Email Template
Header and Footer Design
Re-engagement Email
Call to Action
Sale or Discount Email
Create a To-Do List:
Create a List of Action Items:
Make a List of Pros and Cons:
Create a List of Collaboration Tools:
List the Essential Skills:
Create a List of Revenue Streams:
Write a Short Story:
Write a Story with a Twist Ending:
Write a Story Inspired by a Song:
Write a Story in a Specific Genre:
Write a Story Using Dialogue Only:
Write a Collaborative Story:
Write a Story Based on a Real-Life Event:
Write a Story in a Non-Linear Narrative:
Write a Choose Your Own Adventure Story:
Write a Story with Unreliable Narrator:
Brainstorm Session Guidelines
Skill Learning Plan
Travel recommendations
3Compare two things
Performance Comparison:
Pros and Cons Comparison:
Social Impact Comparison:
Summarize an Article
Summarize a Course
4Create social content
Social Media Caption:
Social Media Hashtag Strategy:
Social Media Competitor Analysis:
Social Media Content Calendar:
Social Media Analytics Report:
Essay Topics
Theorem Teaching
Simplified Essay Writing
Math Problem Solving
Concept Explanation
Theorem Teaching with Quiz

Tips & Tricks to master Bard AI prompts:

Bard is an AI tool that can help you with a wide variety of tasks, from learning new skills to brainstorming ideas. To get the most out of Bard, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Be specific

When asking Bard for help, be as specific as possible. Provide context and relevant details so that Bard can provide you with the most accurate and useful response. For example, instead of asking “How do I code?”, ask “How do I create a function in Python that calculates the sum of two numbers?”

2. Use natural language

Bard is designed to understand and respond to natural language, so try to phrase your questions in a conversational way. For example, instead of asking “What is the syntax for creating a loop in Java?”, ask “How do I make a loop in Java?”

3. Experiment with different prompts

Bard has a wide variety of prompts across multiple categories. Don’t be afraid to try out different prompts to see what works best for you. For example, if you’re stuck on a coding problem, try using a prompt related to debugging or troubleshooting.

4. Use Bard to learn new skills

Bard can provide explanations and examples for coding and other technical topics, so use it as a resource to learn new skills. For example, if you’re interested in learning how to code, ask Bard for help with a specific concept, such as conditional statements or arrays.

5. Collaborate with Bard

Bard is designed to be a collaborative tool, so use it to brainstorm ideas, write stories, or create music. You might be surprised at the results! For example, if you’re a writer, try using Bard to generate ideas for characters or plot twists.

6. Review Bard’s responses

While Bard is designed to provide accurate and helpful responses, it’s still important to review its output for accuracy and relevancy. For example, if you’re using Bard to help you with a research project, double-check any information that Bard provides to make sure it’s accurate.

7. Provide feedback

As an experimental AI, Bard is constantly learning and improving. If you have feedback on Bard’s responses or functionality, let the developers know so that they can continue to improve the tool. For example, if you notice that Bard frequently provides irrelevant responses to your queries, provide feedback to the developers so that they can fine-tune Bard’s algorithms.

Great. With all these tips and hacks in mind, let’s jump into 200+ prompts across 20+ categories on how to use Bard.

Bard AI Prompts list for multiple use cases:

Here are some of the best examples that you can use with Bard. Note that if you see text in [brackets] , its like a variable. Replace it with whichever topic or niche that you need. Also there are additional examples in our other Bard AI promt list post to follow.

Lets dive in!

Software Engineering

Bard can be used for various use cases. Software engineering is one of the great improvements in recent version of Bard. Check the example below.

Bard as Linux Terminal:

Pretend as Linux Terminal:: I want you to act as a linux terminal. I will type commands and you will reply with what the terminal should show. I want you to only reply with the terminal output inside one unique code block, and nothing else. do not write explanations. do not type commands unless I instruct you to do so. When I need to tell you something in English, I will do so by putting text inside curly brackets {like this}. my first command is pwd

Write Code

Can you write code to create a new file and add content “Hello world” in java?

Unit testing

Can you write unit tests for this {code with rules}

Code review

Can you peer review my code {write your code in a new line}

Bug finding

Find bug in this [Code]

JavaScript tip

Please make a JavaScript tip. I would like to share it with the Twitter Tech Community.

Code explanation

Can you explain what this code does ? {code}

Code documentation

Can you add documentation to this code {code}

Regex explanation

What exactly does this strange-looking regex do [your regex here]?

Code comments

Can you add comments to this code {code}

Center a Div

How do you vertically and horizontally center a div?

Website scraping

Can you write python code to scrape website tipseason.com

Factorial calculation

Write a function in [Python] to calculate the factorial of a given number

SQL Query

Write a SQL query to give a list of products by joining with a review table . (Note: You can write any english sentence and it can return SQL query. )

Bard Prompts for Marketing

Action Plan

Generate a [number] step action plan for [specific marketing goal or challenge].


Create a [number]-word tagline for [product or service].


Design a [format, such as email or social media] campaign to promote [product or service].


Write a script for a [length, such as 30-second or 60-second] video ad for [product or service].


Generate [number] ideas for a creative marketing stunt to raise awareness for [product or service].


Create a list of [number] influencers who would be a good fit for promoting [product or service].


Write a [number]-word overview of [product or service] to use in [specific marketing channel, such as an email signature or brochure].


Come up with [number] unique selling points for [product or service].


Develop a [number]-point checklist for a successful [specific marketing strategy, such as a social media contest or product launch].

Persuasive writing

Write a {blog post, product description, email, landing page} that convinces your audience to {take action} using persuasive language and psychological triggers.

Attention-Grabbing Headlines

Write {3, 5, 10} attention-grabbing headlines for your {blog post, article, product page} that make your readers want to click and read more.

Blog Monetization

Develop a monetization strategy for your {blog or website} that includes affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or digital product sales to generate income.

Blog Post Outline

Develop an outline for a blog post related to your {industry or niche} that organizes your ideas, research, and data into a clear and structured format.

Product Description

Write a compelling product description for your {product or service} that highlights its key features, benefits, and use cases, and showcases its unique selling proposition (USP).

Elevator Pitch

Craft a 30-second elevator pitch for your {product or service} that highlights its unique value proposition and leaves a lasting impression.

Email campaigns

Email Template

Create an email template for a weekly newsletter that features articles, updates, and promotions.

Subject Line

Write a subject line for an email campaign that will increase open rates.

Header and Footer Design

Create a header and footer design for a company newsletter that matches the brand’s visual identity.

Retain subscribers

Develop a strategy to attract and retain subscribers for [Monthly Newsletter Name] targeting [Industry Professionals]. Utilize social media, email marketing, and targeted ads to reach potential subscribers and incentivize them to sign up by offering exclusive content/discounts. Ensure tracking and analyzing metrics for continuous optimization and improvement.

Welcome Email

Compose a welcome email to new subscribers that welcomes them to the community and provides information on what they can expect.

Persuasive Email

Write a persuasive email that promotes a new product launch.

Content Plan

Create a content plan for a monthly newsletter that aligns with the company’s goals and objectives.

Invitation Email

Write an email that invites subscribers to an upcoming webinar or event.

Re-engagement Email

Compose an email that re-engages inactive subscribers and encourages them to continue their subscription.

Call to Action

Create a call-to-action that drives conversions in an email campaign.

Sale or Discount Email

Write a persuasive email that promotes a sale or discount offer.

Create a list

Create a To-Do List:

Create a to-do list for {task or project} that includes all the necessary steps and deadlines to complete it efficiently.

Create a List of Action Items:

Create a list of {number} action items that need to be completed to achieve {goal or objective}.

Make a List of Pros and Cons:

Make a list of {number} pros and cons of {decision or option} to make an informed choice.

Create a List of Resources:

Create a list of {number} resources for {topic or task} that can help you learn or accomplish more.

List the Top [N] Tips:

List the top {number} tips for {task or topic} that can help you improve your skills or outcomes.

Create a List of Best Practices:

Create a list of {number} best practices for {process or activity} that can help you streamline your workflow or avoid mistakes.

Create a List of Must-Have Features:

Create a list of {number} must-have features for {product or service} that can meet the core needs and expectations of your customers.

List the Key Performance Indicators:

List the key performance indicators (KPIs) for {project or goal} that can help you measure progress and success.

Create a List of Interview Questions:

Create a list of {number} interview questions for {job position} that can help you assess the skills, experience, and fit of candidates.

List the Essential Equipment:

List the essential equipment for {activity or job} that can help you perform the task safely and effectively.

Create a List of Common Mistakes:

Create a list of {number} common mistakes in {activity or task} that you should avoid to save time, money, and effort.

List the Top [N] Challenges:

List the top {number} challenges in {industry or field} that you need to address to stay competitive and innovative.

Create a List of Goals and Objectives:

Create a list of {number} goals and objectives for {project or initiative} that align with your vision, mission, and values.

List the Key Features and Benefits:

List the key features and benefits of {product or service} that can convince customers to choose your offer over others.

Create a List of Marketing Messages:

Create a list of {number} marketing messages for {target audience} that resonate with their needs, values, and emotions.

List the Top [N] Trends:

List the top {number} trends in {industry or field} that you should leverage or monitor to stay relevant and innovative.

Create a List of Collaboration Tools:

Create a list of {number} collaboration tools for {team or project} that can improve communication, coordination, and productivity.

List the Essential Skills:

List the essential skills for {job position or industry} that you need to master or acquire to excel in your career.

Create a List of Revenue Streams:

Create a list of {number} revenue streams for {business or project} that can diversify your income and reduce risks.

List the Key Performance Metrics:

List the key performance metrics for {business or project} that can help you track the progress and impact of your strategies.

Create a List of Healthy Habits:

Create a list of {number} healthy habits for {wellness or productivity} that can improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Write a story

Write a Short Story:

Write a short story about {character} who {event or challenge} and learns {lesson or moral}.

Write a Story with a Twist Ending:

Write a story that builds up to a twist ending where the reader’s expectations are subverted.

Write a Story Inspired by a Song:

Write a story inspired by a {song title} that captures the mood and themes of the song.

Write a Story in a Specific Genre:

Write a story in the {genre} genre that incorporates {theme or element} in a unique way.

Write a Story Using Dialogue Only:

Write a story that only uses dialogue between characters to convey the plot and emotions.

Write a Collaborative Story:

Write a story in collaboration with {person or group} where each participant takes turns writing a section of the story.

Write a Story Based on a Real-Life Event:

Write a fictionalized version of a real-life event that you or someone you know experienced, adding fictional elements to create a compelling story.

Write a Story in a Non-Linear Narrative:

Write a story that follows a non-linear narrative structure, with events occurring out of order and the reader piecing together the story.

Write a Choose Your Own Adventure Story:

Write a choose your own adventure story where the reader gets to make decisions that affect the outcome of the story.

Write a Story with Unreliable Narrator:

Write a story where the narrator is unreliable, intentionally or unintentionally, causing the reader to question the events and characters in the story.

Brainstorm ideas

Brainstorm Session Guidelines

Create a list of guidelines for a successful {brainstorming} session that will help team members generate and share ideas effectively.

Idea Generation Techniques

Compile a list of {idea generation} techniques that can be used to encourage creative thinking and generate innovative ideas.

Idea Prioritization Method

Describe a {idea prioritization} method that can be used to evaluate and rank ideas generated during a brainstorming session.

Brainstorming Icebreakers

Create a list of {brainstorming} icebreakers that can be used to encourage participation and engagement from team members during a brainstorming session.

Brainstorming Agenda Template

Design a {brainstorming} agenda template that includes key activities and timelines for a productive brainstorming session.

Brainstorming Facilitation Tips

Provide tips on how to facilitate a {brainstorming} session that encourages open communication and constructive feedback.

Brainstorming Outcome Evaluation

Create a {brainstorming} outcome evaluation checklist that can be used to measure the success of a brainstorming session and identify areas for improvement.

Brainstorming Room Setup

Suggest a {brainstorming} room setup that encourages collaboration and creative thinking, and includes necessary equipment and resources.

Brainstorming Participant Roles

Define {brainstorming} participant roles and responsibilities to ensure everyone is engaged and contributing to the brainstorming session.

Learn a new skill

Skill Learning Plan

Design a step-by-step {learning plan} for mastering a new skill, including recommended resources and timelines.

Learning Style Assessment

Provide a {learning style assessment} that can help individuals identify their preferred learning styles and suggest appropriate learning strategies.

Skill Development Roadmap

Create a {skill development} roadmap that outlines the necessary steps and milestones for acquiring and mastering a new skill.

Skill Acquisition Techniques

Compile a list of {skill acquisition} techniques that can be used to learn and practice a new skill effectively.

Skill Assessment Checklist

Develop a {skill assessment} checklist that can be used to evaluate the progress and proficiency of individuals learning a new skill.

Learning Community Building

Suggest strategies for {building a learning community} around a new skill that can provide support, feedback, and collaboration opportunities.

Learning Accountability Partner

Provide guidance on how to find a {learning accountability partner} who can help keep individuals motivated and on track with their skill development.

Learning Reward System

Design a {learning reward system} that can provide incentives and motivation for individuals to continue learning and practicing a new skill.

Learning Reflection Exercise

Create a {learning reflection exercise} that encourages individuals to reflect on their learning journey, identify strengths and weaknesses, and set goals for continued skill development.

Skill Learning Resources

Compile a list of {skill learning} resources, such as books, online courses, workshops, and mentors, that can support individuals in acquiring and mastering a new skill.

Plan travel

Travel recommendations

Provide {travel destination} recommendations based on the traveler’s preferences and interests, including tips on how to make the most of their trip.

Budget-Friendly Travel Planning

Create a {budget-friendly travel plan} that includes cost-saving strategies for transportation, lodging, food, and activities.

Sustainable Travel Tips

Suggest {sustainable travel} tips that can help reduce the traveler’s impact on the environment and support local communities.

Travel Itinerary Planning

Design a {travel itinerary} that includes a detailed schedule of activities, reservations, and transportation arrangements for a seamless travel experience.

Cultural Immersion Experience

Recommend {cultural immersion} experiences that can help travelers gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the local culture and traditions.

Travel Safety Guidelines

Provide {travel safety} guidelines that can help ensure the traveler’s safety and security while on their trip.

Solo Travel Tips

Offer {solo travel} tips and advice that can help individuals plan and enjoy a solo travel experience, including safety precautions and socializing strategies.

Group Travel Planning

Provide guidance on {group travel planning}, including tips on coordinating logistics, managing conflicts, and ensuring everyone’s needs and preferences are met.

Travel Photography Tips

Suggest {travel photography} tips and techniques that can help travelers capture and document their experiences and memories effectively.

Travel Planning Resources

Compile a list of {travel planning} resources, such as travel blogs, forums, apps, and travel agents, that can help travelers plan and organize their trip.

Compare two things

Performance Comparison:

Create a graph or chart comparing the performance of {thing 1} and {thing 2} based on objective data such as speed, accuracy, reliability or efficiency.

Pros and Cons Comparison:

Create a table comparing the pros and cons of {thing 1} and {thing 2}, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.

Feature Comparison:

Create a side-by-side comparison chart of the features of {thing 1} and {thing 2}, with brief explanations of each feature and its benefits.

Price Comparison:

Create a chart comparing the prices of {thing 1} and {thing 2}, including any discounts, promotions or special offers, as well as any additional fees or charges.

User Experience Comparison:

Write a detailed comparison of the user experience of {thing 1} and {thing 2}, focusing on factors such as ease of use, accessibility, user interface, customization options, and user feedback.

Environmental Impact Comparison:

Compare the environmental impact of {thing 1} and {thing 2}, examining factors such as their carbon footprint, energy efficiency, resource usage, and waste management practices.

Market Analysis Comparison:

Conduct a market analysis of {thing 1} and {thing 2}, examining factors such as market demand, market size, market share, competition, and growth potential.

Customer Review Comparison:

Compare the customer reviews of {thing 1} and {thing 2}, analyzing common themes, feedback trends, and customer satisfaction ratings to identify areas of strength and weakness.

Technical Specification Comparison:

Create a detailed comparison of the technical specifications of {thing 1} and {thing 2}, examining factors such as processor speed, storage capacity, battery life, and connectivity options.

Social Impact Comparison:

Compare the social impact of {thing 1} and {thing 2}, examining factors such as their social responsibility policies, impact on local communities, and contribution to social causes.


Summarize an Article

Write a summary of a given {article or blog post} in your own words, highlighting the key points and takeaways.

Summarize a Meeting

Summarize a recent {meeting or conference call} you attended, outlining the main discussion points, decisions made, and action items assigned.

Summarize a Book

Write a brief summary of a {book} you recently read, highlighting the key themes, characters, and plot points.

Summarize a Movie

Write a summary of a {movie or TV show} you recently watched, providing a brief overview of the plot, key characters, and main themes.

Summarize a Research Paper

Summarize a {research paper or academic article} you read, highlighting the key findings, methodology, and implications for the field.

Summarize a Project

Summarize a {project or task} you recently completed, outlining the objectives, process, and outcomes achieved.

Summarize a News Article

Write a summary of a recent {news article} you read, highlighting the main story, key players, and implications for the community or society.

Summarize a Podcast

Summarize a recent episode of a {podcast} you listened to, highlighting the key themes, guests, and takeaways.

Summarize a Speech

Summarize a recent {speech or presentation} you attended or watched, highlighting the key messages, audience, and delivery style.

Summarize a Course

Write a brief summary of a {course or workshop} you recently completed, outlining the topics covered, key takeaways, and overall value.

Create social content

Social Media Caption:

Write a compelling social media caption promoting your {product or service} that will capture the attention of potential customers.

Social Media Graphic:

Design a social media graphic that showcases your {product or service} in a visually appealing and attention-grabbing way.

Social Media Hashtag Strategy:

Create a list of relevant and effective hashtags for your {product or service} that will increase your social media engagement and reach.

Social Media Post Ideas:

Generate a list of unique and creative social media post ideas for promoting your {product or service} to your target audience.

Social Media Competitor Analysis:

Conduct a competitor analysis of your {product or service} on social media and come up with a strategy to stand out from your competitors.

Social Media Influencer Outreach:

Create an outreach plan for collaborating with social media influencers to promote your {product or service} to their audience.

Social Media Video:

Create a social media video that showcases the benefits and features of your {product or service} in a way that resonates with your target audience.

Social Media Content Calendar:

Create a social media content calendar for your {product or service} that outlines your content strategy for the next month, including topics, themes, and post types.

Social Media User-Generated Content Campaign:

Develop a user-generated content campaign for your {product or service} that encourages your audience to create and share content related to your brand on social media.

Social Media Analytics Report:

Analyze your {product or service} social media performance and create a report with insights and recommendations for improving your social media strategy.


Here are some example prompts that you can use as a student or other education purposes.

Study Schedule

“Generate a daily study schedule for the next week, including specific times for each subject and any breaks or activities planned.”

Simplifying Complex Concepts

“Can you explain a complex technical concept to someone without a technical background?”

Essay Topics

“Generate a list of potential essay topics for [assignment name], along with a brief outline of main points to be discussed.”

Theorem Teaching

“Teach me the Pythagorean theorem [Any theorem name] and include a test at the end, but don’t give me the answers and then tell me if I got the answer right when I respond. I want to learn.”

Physics Poetry

“For your introductory physics class in college, write a poem in the vein of Robert Frost.”

Simplified Essay Writing

“Write a detailed essay for me on [topic] in detail by adding all the information necessary Write the essay using simple English like you’re explaining something to a 5 year old.”

Math Problem Solving

“Solve this [math problem] for me and explain each step in detail on how you solved it.”

Concept Explanation

“Clearly explain to me what is [your question for example quantum computing] like a 5 year old to me so that I get a in-depth understanding of that concept. Provide few examples too.”

Theorem Teaching with Quiz

“Teach me the Pythagorean theorem, including a quiz at the end, but don’t give me the answers and then tell me if I got the answer right when I respond.”

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