11 minutes to read - Aug 2, 2023

Using ChatGPT in Video Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide

Using ChatGPT in Video Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide
You can use ChatGPT in video marketing to create relevant and specific scripts and generate captions and descriptions that are SEO optimized. Here's how!
Table of Contents
1What are the types of video marketing?
25 Ways to Use ChaptGPT in a Video Marketing Initiative:
31. Video Scripts
42. Captions and Subtitles
54. Personalization
65. A/B Testing

Whether you’re leveraging video marketing as an acquisition tool in a lead gen campaign or a vehicle to build a community for your brand, video marketing should be a cornerstone of any growth marketing strategy. At its core, video marketing is the act of leveraging videos to communicate a key message. But it’s so much more. Video marketing is an opportunity to have a direct conversation with your target audience and connect with them in a meaningful way that’s not possible through other mediums. 

To some, AI-powered tools like ChatGPT may be viewed as a threat to “business as usual” and a “replacement for the human touch.” However, early adopters of AI will tell you to greet these tools with open arms because they are transforming the way we collaborate, plan, and, execute marketing campaigns for the better. 

At a glance, video marketing is notorious for being expensive, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. The reality is that ChatGPT can help alleviate most of these problems. One of the key advantages of using ChatGPT in video marketing is its ability to understand the context of a given situation and generate appropriate text, something that requires a unique skillset or years of experience. This means that GPT-3 can be used to create video scripts that are relevant, specific, and produced in a short period of time. Additionally, GPT-3 can be used to generate captions and descriptions that are optimized for specific keywords and phrases, which makes it incredibly easy to accomplish SEO & content goals alike. 

What are the types of video marketing?

Video marketing comes in many shapes and forms and can manifest itself on Meta (Facebook & Instagram), YouTube, TikTok, CTV, and Snapchat, to name a few. Before we dive into the opportunities of leveraging ChatGPT to improve video marketing strategy, planning, and execution, let’s review a few video marketing formats.

Product Explanation: This is an opportunity to educate prospective customers on the value-add beyond the product/service and its competitive advantage. This is best suited for prospecting audiences but can also be used for retargeting the middle of the funnel.

Product Demos: Similar to best practices for driving conversion rate growth on a website, highlighting product benefits is more impactful in this type of video instead of the features alone. This should only be delivered to warm audiences who have already been introduced to the product/service.

Storytelling: Whether you’re leveraging the community appeal through a “get ready with me routine” or positioning the product/service as the solution to an urgent problem, this can be a powerful format to leverage to convince someone to make a conversion. This type of video works well at any level of the funnel.

Testimonials: Pessimistic prospective customers may need an extra push to be convinced your product/service is the right fit for their needs. Leveraging a social proof video can help “seal the deal” and earn you a loyal customer via MOF & BOF campaigns.

User-generated content (UGC): The goal here is to be authentic & provide a touch of trustworthiness and dependability to communicate a message or value proposition. This can come from a community member or an in-house content creator and can be impactful at all levels of the funnel.

Behind the scenes (BTS): Peeling back the curtain and showing clips of the production process can make the user feel like they’re being invited into an exclusive club. This video format can be effective for cold audiences if the video is positioned as “an intro to the brand” or as a push towards a purchase for warm users in the MOF & BOF buckets. 

Promotions: Dangling an offer as the hook and key content theme can push conversions in the short term, but shouldn’t be used as a long-term solution to guarantee sustainable growth. This should be used sparingly and strategically at all levels of the funnel but requires a holistic promotional calendar & deliberate approach. 

How can video be best used in a marketing strategy?

The first step in building a video marketing strategy is to solidify the north star goal and determine how video marketing will contribute to the macro strategy. How will you leverage videos as a growth lever to achieve the larger macro goal? Will there be a specific OKR tied to the viewing experience alone (i.e. CTR, view-through, CPV) or will the performance of the video marketing strategy be evaluated as a contribution to a larger strategy? ChatGPT can be a resource here for brainstorming or validating modeling and projections; however, we recommend the meat of the strategy should come from the growth experts.

Next, identify the target audience. To save time on the brainstorm, submit these questions and your assumptions on the target audience to ChatGPT and use its response as a starting point. After the target audience has been defined, evaluate video marketing platforms to craft the video marketing mix.

Where do these people spend their time? 

What are their behaviors and interests? 

How do they consume video content? 

What is important to them 

How can the product/service solve their problem?

One of the most important aspects of the video marketing strategy is deciding what story you want to tell and how you will communicate it. The story framework has four core elements. Once these factors are defined, ChatGPT can support in fleshing out the script.

Character & their goal – Ideally, this is the archetype of your target audience so they will naturally resonate with them.

Conflict – This serves as the hook to grab the user’s attention and aligns with the target audience’s pain point, problem, or concern.

Quest – The meat of the story will take place here and will serve as the introduction to the product/service. 

Resolution – This is the “ah-ha moment” or the “moment of joy” when the product/service solves the character’s (and therefore the customer’s) problem.

Video quality is paramount for success. Whether the goal is to be a high production value or an authentic UGC video, a quality benchmark needs to be maintained.

Once the north star goal, target audience and value props, and shell of the story are finalized, the last thing to do is decide which platforms or mediums will drive the biggest impact. Lean on ChatGPT to provide context on industry benchmarks and drawbacks of individual channels. Finally, identify channel-specific OKRs, budgets, and benchmarks for success.

5 Ways to Use ChaptGPT in a Video Marketing Initiative:

Marketers can leverage ChatGPT to create high-quality, engaging video scripts, captions, and descriptions that are designed to attract and convert viewers into customers. Here are 5 key ways to incorporate ChatGPT into the workflow.

1. Video Scripts

GPT-3 can be used to create high-quality, engaging video scripts that are tailored to the target audience. The AI chatbot can succinctly incorporate a variety of topics into the video script and can follow a list of basic rules and guidelines to ensure brand consistency is maintained. 

Utilizing an AI-powered ideation machine allows us to spend more time creating high-quality video content. This can be especially helpful for tight deadlines or moments where creative inspiration is lacking. This also allows with experimentation on granular levels of delivery, ranging from script length to hooks utilized.

2. Captions and Subtitles

GPT-3 can be used to generate captions and subtitles for videos that are optimized for specific keywords and phrases quickly and efficiently. This can improve the accessibility and searchability of the video, making it easier for users to find and view relevant content.  This shift in content creation will undoubtedly alter the future of search engine optimization. But what does this mean for brands beyond production costs and turnaround time?

Word-of-mouth has an approval rating of over 90% from consumers globally which is a nod to the authenticity of the content on TikTok compared to other social platforms. As the quantity of content on TikTok continues to grow, authentic product and brand recommendations can become lost amongst the sheer volume of ‘influenced’ content. This is where SEO comes into play.

Optimizing video content for searchability will soon become a necessity on TikTok to ensure content can be discovered by prospective customers. Leveraging ChatGPT to do the heavy lifting will save you time and money, but it also ensures the video can be found by the target audience.

ChatGPT can also help ideate keyword clusters — a variety of terms you’ll want to build authority around and create content on. You can prompt the algorithm to generate a cluster around a term that’s high-priority and leverage GPT-3 not just for SEO, but also for content planning and mapping.

3. Video Descriptions

An extension of captions and subtitles is the video’s description. ChatGPT can summarize the video’s content and optimize for specific keywords to increase the visibility of the content. However, since ChatGPT is a free tool that is widely available, how does this provide a competitive advantage?

Using the time saved from copywriting, it’s worthwhile to pursue creative experimentation for different personas. Leverage ChatGPT to shift the messaging and tone for key audiences to validate both the content approach and value propositions.

4. Personalization

ChatGPT can be particularly useful for scaling up content creation, especially for audience validation. GPT-3 can create personalized video content that addresses the viewer by name or by audience segment (i.e. demographic and behavioral traits) based on persona mapping. This makes the message more personal and increases the engagement rate of the video.

In an aggressive growth strategy plan, we’ll typically test the same creative against multiple audiences to understand which interests and behaviors describe our target customer. However, it’s difficult to create & deliver personalized messages at scale. Leveraging ChatGPT in video marketing allows us to unlock a new level of creative experimentation and subsequently a new level of insights and learnings about our key demographic audiences.

5. A/B Testing

Rapid experimentation inherently relies on A/B testing and ChatGPT can serve as an instrumental tool in the workflow. GPT-3 can be used to generate multiple versions of video scripts, captions, and descriptions based on a variety of A/B test parameters. As a brand scales up on experimentation across numerous platforms, identifying which type of content resonates best with the target audience is key to improving overall performance. ChatGPT can serve as a brainstorming tool to help you get started.


GPT-3 is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance video marketing efforts by generating high-quality, unique content that is tailored to the target audience and optimized for specific keywords and phrases. It allows to create personalized video scripts, captions, and descriptions that address the viewer by name or other demographic information, making the message more personal. By improving the quality and relevance of content, GPT-3 can help to increase video views and ultimately lead to more conversions.

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