AI World Barcelona Conference

AI World Barcelona Conference
When: 7-8 Sep 2023 Where: Barcelona, Spain 10 Speakers Where to register:

AI World Barcelona is the world's largest and most important conference dedicated to the exciting field of generative AI and autonomous agents. Stay ahead of the curve on ecosystems like ChatGPT, AutoGPT, DALL-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Bard and many more. With an impressive lineup of keynote speakers, panels, and workshops, you’ll have the opportunity to network with startups, top industry experts and researchers. At AI World Barcelona you'll learn about the latest breakthroughs in this exciting field, brainstorm with like-minded professionals, and discover new ways to leverage these technologies to create revolutionary new services disrupting entire industries.


Daniel Jeffries
Managing Director AI Infrastructure Alliance
Hina Dixit
Venture Capitalist @SamsungNEXT | Ex-Apple SWE Leadership | Stanford University AI
Julien Simon
Chief Evangelist, Hugging Face
Sandra Kublik
Developer Relations @ Cohere • Author of GPT-3 (Packt) •
Niels Rogge
Machine Learning Engineer at ML6 & Hugging Face
Meryem Arik
Co-founder at TitanML
Ankur Patel
AI/ML Fintech Founder, Startup Advisor, and Author | Founder @ Glean AI
Lisa Becker
Machine Learning Engineer @ML6
Olena Churbanova
Co-Founder of AI World Barcelona
Or Levi
Data Scientist and AI Researcher

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