International Experts Summit on Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Technology

International Experts Summit on Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Technology
When: 7-9 Sep 2023 Where: Tokyo, Japan Cost: $249-$995 7 Speakers Where to register:

We are pleased to invite all researchers, young scholars, delegates, experts and students from all over the world to attend the International Experts Summit on Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Technology (IESAIRT2023) will be held in Tokyo, Japan, during September 07-09, 2023.

IESAIRT2023 provides a platform of international standards where you can discuss and share knowledge on Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Technology to bring a unique forum for exchanging the information regarding the latest developments, finding solutions and enriching the knowledge. In addition to Presentations, Workshops, and Discussions, the conference also offers a unique venue for renewing professional relationships, and providing plenty of networking opportunities during the summit.

We’re looking forward to Meghaz meetings with researchers from different countries around the globe for sharing innovative and great results in Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Technology.


Conference Sessions

Machine learning

Cognitive Intelligence

Multi-robot systems

Social Intelligence

Intelligent interactive technology

Human-robot interaction


Prof. Eduard Babulak
Institute of Technology and Business CZECH REPUBLIC
Han Woo Park
Yeungnam University South Korea
Haibin Zhu
Nipissing University Canada
Klaus McDonald-Maier
University of Essex UK
Emre Sariyildiz
University of Wollongong Australia
Dr.Rajkumar Rajasekaran
VIT University India
Dr Lakshmana Kumar Ramasamy
Higher Colleges of Technology United Arab Emirates

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