When: 15 Feb 2024 Where: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Where to register:

Data has become an invaluable asset, shaping industries and decision-making.
In an increasing interconnected world, data is exploding in quantity and complexity; this is posing businesses with a growing challenge to unleash its full potential. Further, data also fuels emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, deepening its significance in the present day.

Business leaders who can take a comprehensive approach in the Data Strategy will be able to reap a competitive advantage because they are able to make faster changes that increase revenue, lower costs, and spur innovation.

Join us for the 5th edition of DATA NEXT in Dubai, UAE on February 15, 2024. This event is designed for digital leaders, featuring successful data-driven projects, innovative products, and cutting-edge tech from pioneering organizations.

Attend to enhance your data strategy for better business outcomes.


20+ experts

130+ companies represented

150+ delegates

06+ networking hours

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