2 minutes to read - May 4, 2023

Companion Planting

ChatGPT can assist gardeners in understanding the benefits of companion planting, which is the practice of planting different crops together in order to enhance growth, deter pests, or improve soil health.

Gardener: Hi ChatGPT, I've heard about companion planting and I want to try it in my garden. Can you give me some tips on which plants to pair together?

ChatGPT: Sure! Companion planting can be a great way to enhance the health and productivity of your garden. Some classic companion plant combinations include planting tomatoes and basil together, as the basil can repel pests that might attack the tomatoes. Another example is planting corn and beans together, as the beans can fix nitrogen in the soil, which benefits the corn. Do you have any specific plants you want to try companion planting with?

Gardener: Yes, I want to plant some cucumbers and zucchini together.

ChatGPT: That's a great combination! Cucumbers and zucchini are both heavy feeders, so you'll want to make sure your soil is rich in nutrients. You might also want to consider planting some marigolds nearby, as they can deter pests that might attack the cucumbers and zucchini. Another option is to interplant the cucumbers and zucchini with some bush beans, as the beans can fix nitrogen in the soil, which will benefit both plants.
