1 minute to read - May 4, 2023

Garden Planning and Design

ChatGPT can help gardeners plan and design their gardens, including choosing appropriate plants, arranging them in a visually appealing way, and selecting garden features such as paths, raised beds, or water features.

Gardener: Hi ChatGPT, I'm planning a new garden and I'm not sure what plants to choose. Can you help me come up with some ideas?

ChatGPT: Of course! What kind of garden are you planning?

Gardener: I want to create a butterfly garden.

ChatGPT: Great! For a butterfly garden, you'll want to choose plants that attract butterflies, such as milkweed, butterfly bush, and coneflowers. You might also want to include plants with different bloom times to ensure a continuous food source for the butterflies. Would you like me to provide more specific plant recommendations?

Gardener: Yes, please!

ChatGPT: Some other plants you might consider include black-eyed susans, verbena, and zinnias. You might also want to include some host plants, which are plants that butterfly larvae feed on, such as parsley or dill for swallowtail butterflies.
