1 minute to read - May 4, 2023

Pest and Disease Diagnosis

ChatGPT can assist gardeners in identifying and treating common garden pests and diseases. By providing information on symptoms and potential treatments, ChatGPT can help gardeners keep their plants healthy.

Gardener: Hi ChatGPT, I have some yellow spots on my tomato leaves. Can you help me figure out what's causing them?

ChatGPT: Sure, I'd be happy to help. Based on the symptoms you described, it sounds like your tomato plant may have a fungal disease called early blight. Have you noticed any other symptoms, such as brown spots on the stems or leaves?

Gardener: Yes, I have noticed some brown spots on the stems.

ChatGPT: In that case, it's likely that your plant has early blight. To treat it, you can try removing any infected leaves and spraying the plant with a copper fungicide.
