1 minute to read - Apr 27, 2023

Remote Monitoring

ChatGPT can also be used to remotely monitor patients who have chronic conditions or are recovering from an illness or injury. ChatGPT can ask patients about their symptoms, medication adherence, and other relevant information, and provide healthcare providers with regular updates.

ChatGPT: "Hello, it's been a few days since your last check-in. How are you feeling?"

Patient: "I'm feeling a bit tired, but otherwise okay."

ChatGPT: "I see. Have you been taking your medication as prescribed?"

Patient: "Yes, I have."

ChatGPT: "That's good to hear. Is there anything else you'd like to report to your healthcare provider?"

Patient: "No, that's all."

ChatGPT: "Alright, I'll make sure to pass this information along to your healthcare provider. Thank you for checking in."
