13 minutes to read - Jun 5, 2023

Google Bard for Data Science Projects

Google Bard for Data Science Projects
Learn how to leverage Google Bard for project planning, data preprocessing, exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, model validation, and building and deployment of a web application.
Table of Contents
1Bard for Data Preprocessing
Data loading
Data cleaning
2Bard for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
3Feature Extraction with Bard
4Bard for Model Selection
5Hyperparameter Tuning with Bard
6Model Evaluation with Bard
7Using Bard for Streamlit Cloud Deployment

The latest version of Bard, powered by the PaLM 2 model, offers improved performance in reasoning, coding, and multilingual capabilities. Unlike ChatGPT, users must tailor their input to Bard's to obtain high-quality responses.

This post covers how to leverage the new Bard to build an end-to-end data science project. You will learn how to craft effective prompts that generate ideas and code for experiments and development.

Read our Bard vs ChatGPT for Data Science article to find a detailed comparison between Google Bard and ChatGPT, and check out our ChatGPT for Data Science Projects tutorial for another option.

Project Planning

The planning phase is a crucial step in every project, as it sets the foundation for its success. During this phase, we carefully analyze the available resources and objectives and develop a project plan that outlines the steps required to achieve our goals.

To create a project outline, we will craft a detailed prompt for Bard that includes all relevant information about the development of our Fake News Detection application. It will include key details, such as the dataset we will be using, which is the Fake News Classification dataset from the WELFake paper, as well as any project directives that will guide our team throughout the development process.

Prompt: “Act as Data Science Manager and develop plans for an end-to-end Fake News Detection project. We already have the FakeNewsDetection dataset consisting of 72,134 rows and 4 columns: [Unnamed: 0, title, text, and ;abel (0 = fake and 1 = real)]

While the generic project outline provides a solid foundation, there are a few critical steps that are missing. We can add the necessary steps by writing a follow-up prompt.

Follow-up Prompt: “Please add steps like EDA, Model Selection, Hyperparameter Optimization, Streamlit Webapp, and Streamlit Cloud deployment. Provide a combined project plan.”

It seems like Bard is failing to understand that we already have a dataset and we don’t require the data collection part. You can write a follow-up prompt to trim the edges.

Follow-up Prompt: “We already have data, so remove the Data collection step from the project plan.”

Here is the outline for Fake New Detection project:

Data preprocessing

Exploratory data analysis (EDA)

Feature extraction

Model selection

Hyperparameter optimization

Model training and evaluation

Streamlit Webapp

Streamlit Cloud deployment

The project plan includes a detailed explanation of each step involved in building our Fake News Detection application, as well as recommended methodologies that we can use to optimize our results. Additionally, our plan provides a weekly agenda outlining key tasks and milestones.

If you find yourself struggling with writing prompts or are feeling overwhelmed, we've got you covered. Download our Prompt Engineering Cheat Sheet, which grants you access to a collection of 60+ expertly crafted prompts specifically designed for various data science tasks.

Bard for Data Preprocessing

In this step, we will load, clean, and perform feature engineering on the dataset.

Data loading

Now you have to change the character from Data Manager to Data Scientist to write a prompt for loading the data.

Prompt: “Act as a professional Data Scientist and write a Python code for loading five thousand random samples from the dataset for the above project. ”

Note: we are downsampling the data to train and optimize the models faster.

Data cleaning

To ensure that our dataset is properly cleaned and prepared for analysis, we will provide specific instructions to Bard regarding the necessary data-cleaning functions.

Prompt: “Now, write a Python function for cleaning the dataset. The function should drop missing values, drop the "Unnamed: 0" column, clean text, and remove stopwords.”

To address any bugs or errors in our code, we will ask Bard to resolve the stopword error. It will understand the mistake and generate an improved version of the code.

Updated Prompt: “Resolve the error with stopwords”

import nltk


from nltk.corpus import stopwords

def clean_dataset(df):

# Drop missing values

  df = df.dropna()

    # Drop Unnamed column

  df = df.drop(["Unnamed: 0"], axis=1)

 # Clean text

  df['text'] = df['text'].str.lower()

  df["Text"] = df["Text"].str.replace("[^a-zA-Z]", " ")

# Remove stopwords

  stopword = set(stopwords.words('english'))

  df['text'] = df['text'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([word for word in x.split() if word not in stopword]))

return df

df = clean_dataset(df)


We have created three new features that we will use for data analysis.

Bard for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

In the EDA part, we will ask Bard to create certain data visuals that are important for the exploration of data.

Prompt: “Write Python code to perform Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on the above project. Include a histogram to combine the length of fake vs real, label distribution, and word cloud.”

We will write a follow-up prompt to add bin edges.

Follow-up Prompt: “Update the EDA code with `np.linspace` to create bin edges from 0 to 200 with 40 bin width.”

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns

import numpy as np

bins = np.linspace(0, 200, 40)

# Histogram of the length of fake vs real news articles

plt.hist(df['combined_length'].where(df['label'] == 1),bins, alpha=0.5, label='Real')

plt.hist(df['combined_length'].where(df['label'] == 0),bins, alpha=0.5, label='Fake')

plt.xlabel('Combined Text Length')

plt.ylabel('Number of Articles')



It seems like fake news has a longer text length than real news.

# Label distribution

plt.pie(df['label'].value_counts(), labels=['Fake', 'Real'], autopct='%1.1f%%')


The label distribution is fairly equal, and we don’t have to perform class balancing

from wordcloud import WordCloud

wc = WordCloud(max_words=100, background_color='white')

wc.generate(' '.join(df[df['label'] == 0]['combined']))



plt.title('Word cloud of fake news articles')


wc = WordCloud(max_words=100, background_color='white')

wc.generate(' '.join(df[df['label'] == 1]['combined']))



plt.title('Word cloud of real news articles')


The real news has more prominent words like “trump” and “said” compared to fake news.

Feature Extraction with Bard

In this part, we will write a prompt to convert a “text” column into vectors and split the dataset into train and test datasets.

Prompt: “Convert the text column into vectors and split the dataset into training and testing datasets.”

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Convert the text column into vectors

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()

X = vectorizer.fit_transform(df['text'])

# Split the dataset into training and testing datasets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, df['label'], test_size=0.25)

Bard for Model Selection

With the necessary background information provided, you can now ask straightforward questions.

Prompt: “Perform model selection.”

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

from sklearn.svm import SVC

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

# Train the models

models = [LogisticRegression(), SVC(), DecisionTreeClassifier(), RandomForestClassifier()]

for model in models:

    model.fit(X_train, y_train)

# Evaluate the models

predictions = []

for model in models:


# Calculate the accuracy of the models

accuracies = []

for predictions in predictions:

    accuracies.append(accuracy_score(y_test, predictions))

# Print the accuracy of the models

print("Accuracy of LogisticRegression:", accuracies[0])

print("Accuracy of SVC:", accuracies[1])

print("Accuracy of DecisionTreeClassifier:", accuracies[2])

print("Accuracy of RandomForestClassifier:", accuracies[3])

Accuracy of LogisticRegression: 0.9024979854955681Accuracy of SVC: 0.91941982272361Accuracy of DecisionTreeClassifier: 0.8767123287671232Accuracy of RandomForestClassifier: 0.8863819500402901

Based on our analysis, it appears that all of the models we tested have performed relatively well. However, the Support Vector Classifier (SVC) model achieved the highest accuracy score among the tested models.

Hyperparameter Tuning with Bard

We have asked Bard to write a hyperparameter tuning code that saves the optimal model and vector object for deployment.

Prompt: ”Write a Python code for Hyperparameter optimization of SVC. Also, save the best model and vectorizer using Joblib.”

from sklearn.svm import SVC

from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score,f1_score, classification_report, confusion_matrix

import joblib

# Create a RandomForestClassifier model

svm = SVC()

# Create the hyperparameter grid

param_grid = {'C': [1, 10, 100], 'gamma': [0.01, 0.1, 1]}

# Create the GridSearchCV object

grid = GridSearchCV(SVC(), param_grid, cv=5)

# Fit the GridSearchCV object to the training data

grid.fit(X_train, y_train)

# Print the best parameters


# Predict the labels of the testing data using the best model

y_pred = grid.predict(X_test)

# Calculate the accuracy of the best model

accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)

# Print the accuracy of the best model

print("Accuracy of the best model:", accuracy)

The accuracy has improved slightly.

Accuracy of the best model: 0.9298952457695407

The saved mode and vector will be used for running the inference.
# Save the best modeljoblib.dump(grid.best_estimator_, 'best_model.pkl')# Save the TfidfVectorizerjoblib.dump(vectorizer, 'tfidf_vectorizer.pkl')

Model Evaluation with Bard

Accuracy is not enough for the classification model. We have to test it on the f1-score, recall, precision, and confusion matrix.

Prompt: ”Write a Python code for model evaluation. Include classification report, confusion matrix, and f1 score.”

According to the report, our model is quite stable on the test dataset.

precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.94      0.92      0.93       620

           1       0.92      0.94      0.93       621

    accuracy                           0.93      1241

   macro avg       0.93      0.93      0.93      1241

weighted avg       0.93      0.93      0.93      1241

# Plot the confusion matrix

print(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred))

[[572  65]

 [ 37 567]]

# Calculate the F1 score

f1_score = f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted')

# Print the F1 score

print("F1 score:", f1_score)

F1 score: 0.9298892365447746

Using Bard for a Streamlit Webapp

After satisfying the result, we will develop an app that will convert the input text into the vector, pass it through a model, and display the result.

Before that, we have to create a GitHub repository.

Clone the repository and save all the essential components of the application. This step not only ensures their safekeeping but also enables effective versioning of both the app and the model.

Write a generic prompt to develop an app for predicting if the news is real or fake.

Prompt: “Write a separate Python file for creating a web app using Streamlit to predict if the News is (0 = fake or 1 = real). Just include Streamlit app part.”

Next, let's create an app.py file and transfer the code from Bard into this file. Once done, you can run the application using the command streamlit run app.py.

Note: make sure you have all the required Python packages to run the Streamlit app.

It looks like the Bard failed to load the vectorizer. We can write a follow-up prompt to fix this issue.

Follow-up Prompt: “Add loading Vectorizer and Model in the app file using joblib.”

The app is not working properly, so we must add a run button to fix that issue.

Follow-up Prompt: “Also, add a button to run the inference.”

import streamlit as st

import joblib

# Load the vectorizer

vectorizer = joblib.load("tfidf_vectorizer.pkl")

# Load the model

model = joblib.load("best_model.pkl")

Create a title

st.title("Predict Fake News")

# Input text

text = st.text_input("Enter the news article:"

# Button to run inference

if st.button("Predict"):

# Convert the text to a vector

    vector = vectorizer.transform([text])

# Predict the label

    label = model.predict(vector)[0]

# Display the label

    if label == 0:

        st.write("The news article is fake.")


        st.write("The news article is real.")

We have successfully built a Streamlit app that accepts text input and provides predictions on the authenticity of news articles.

Using Bard for Streamlit Cloud Deployment

To deploy the app to the cloud, we have to ask Bard for help. It turns out we just need to push our code to the GitHub repository and connect it with the Streamlit server.

Prompt: “Help me deploy an app on Streamlit Community Cloud.”

1. Create a requirements.txt file and add all of the required Python packages like “scikit-learn.”

2. Add the files using Git, commit, and push to the external server. Make sure you have added model, vector, app.py, and requirements.txt.

3. Go to share.streamlit.io, click on “New app,” select GitHub repository, and add the required information about the application.

That’s it. Our app is deployed and available for the public at Streamlit (fake-news-detector.streamlit.app).


AI tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, and Claude empower us to excel in our daily data science tasks. Leveraging the capabilities of these tools, we enhance our efficiency and proficiency, enabling us to tackle complex data challenges with ease.

In this post, we explored the power of the new version of Bard for developing comprehensive end-to-end data science projects. You can also check out our guide on Using ChatGPT For Data Science Projects or take a comprehensive ChatGPT course: Introduction to ChatGPT, and discover best practices for writing prompts.

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