3 minutes to read - Jun 1, 2023

10 Insightful Google Bard Statistics & Facts to Know in 2023

10 Insightful Google Bard Statistics & Facts to Know in 2023
Read this blog post for interesting Google Bard statistics and facts.

Google is undeniably the most powerful company in the internet search engine market. It has led the market with a major share for over a decade. But things seem to have started disrupting in 2023.

Microsoft Bing integrated the trending ChatGPT in its search engine to deliver better search results. Over 100 million people started using the new Bing Chat feature every day!

Not to risk the market share, Google also launched its AI-powered conversational bot — Google Bard. 😃

Google Bard is a Large Language Model developed by Google to enhance the online search experience.

In this blog post, I will explore some of the most insightful Google Bard statistics to help you better understand its capabilities.

Latest Google Bard Statistics & Facts

Google Bard was officially released on February 8, 2023. The access was opened up on March 21, 2023.

Its name comes from the Bards of Celtic cultures, who were professional storytellers, verse-makers, music composers, oral historians, and genealogists.

Bard is based on Google’s LaMDA (Language Models for Dialog Applications) model.

The LaMDA language model has been fine-tuned using Transformer-based neural language models containing up to 137 billion parameters.

Google has been working on the LaMDA since 2017 with the Google AI team. Therefore, Google Bard is more than 6 years old project!

The language model of Bard has been pre-trained using more than 750 GB of data.

The training data of Google Bard include the web, books, and other sources, as well as user-generated content such as search queries and translations. Google is a bit unclear about the training dataset. Google Bard was trained using 1.56 trillion words from a public dataset.

The estimated reach of Google Bard is 1 billion users. That means almost 1 out of 8 people worldwide will use Google Bard!
Currently, Google Bard is available in English, Japanese and Korean. It will soon be available in 40 languages.
During the demonstration preview of Google Bard, it answered a question wrong. The factual error cost $120 billion to the company. The question was – “What new discoveries from the James Webb Telescope can I tell my 9-year-old?”. The response was, “JWST took the very first pictures of a planet outside our own solar system,” which was claimed to be incorrect.
The upcoming updates of Google Bard is going to make it more visually appealing by including images with text. Google also announced that upcoming update will support images in prompts, similar to reverse image search.
Final Take
Artificial intelligence is transforming the digital industry. It is rapidly replacing traditional search engines for specific long-tail queries. This means the entire search engine marketing landscape will be affected. Use these Google Bard statistics and facts to study the state of Google Bard and estimate its influence on your business
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