4 minutes to read - Jun 1, 2023

3 Tips for Musicians for Getting Started on BARD

3 Tips for Musicians for Getting Started on BARD
If you’ve been paying attention, you already know what a powerful tool AI is for musicians. It can help you with everything from creating engaging social media content (so you don’t have to keep staring at Instagram wondering what to post), tweaking your song lyrics, planning a show, or honestly most other things you can imagine.
Table of Contents
1Bard is Google’s Answer to ChatGPT
2Use It to Brainstorm Unique Ideas
3Use It to Make Your Content Better—Not Replace It
4Final Thoughts

So with the release of the Bard, Google’s answer (and rival) to the immensely popular ChatGPT, there are rumors that there’s even more you’ll be able to do. 

So what is Bard and why should you care?

Bard is Google’s Answer to ChatGPT

The setup is similar to ChatGPT—users will be prompted with a search box that allows them to ask questions about any topic they want. However, Google’s angle is different here. Where ChatGPT has been critisized for replacing search or replacing organic content, Bard is being championed as a sort of assistant. To “complement search” as Google puts it. 

We’re still learning more as they roll out the full release, but it looks to be more expansive, accurate, and articulate.

Use It to Boost Productivity

This is the very best part of AI. With Bard you can boost productivity on the things you know you need to do, but don’t love to do. Things like:

Asking it to give you 5 social media topics (so you can focus on creating the content itself)

Ask it to create a TikTok or YouTube script based off one of those topics. You can even get really specific like “make it 2 minutes long, funny, and in the style of Dave Grohl”

Ask it for hashtags to use on your social media

Have it brainstorm song lyrics or topics around specific prompts

Ask it for venues in a certain city you’re touring through

Ask it the best time to tour through certain cities

Prompt it for a list of all radio stations in that area

And so on.

Use It to Brainstorm Unique Ideas

AI isn’t about creating content for you as much as it is there to aid you. So when you’re putting together your release show and wondering how to make it special, ask Bard. It might come up with ideas like:

Choose the right venue

Create a theme

Collaborate with other artists

Create an immersive experience

Plan surprises like giveaways and sing a longs

Offer merch and giveaways

Engage with your audience

And with each of those topics it would outline how you can do that. Since it’s made by Google and pulling from across the web, you know it’s going to be the best of the best. If you want to dig deeper on a topic, just ask it again “give me more info on….”

Use It to Make Your Content Better—Not Replace It

This is key. AI is not here to do the work for you for free (sorry). It’s here to be an aid in your existing toolkit. That means helping you brainstorm the content (but you still have to create or edit what the AI makes). It means giving you ideas that you might not have thought of on your own (but still have to execute) or giving you the inspiration to create something one of a kind and perfect for you and your fans (but you still have to do it).

Use it in this way, to make your content and music better and not with the intention to do the work for you, and the results will speak for themselves.

Final Thoughts

So far, the perks of Bard against ChatGPT and Bling are obvious: it’s faster, for starters, which when you’re talking about increasing productivity (and getting back to the music) is crucial. With Bard, it’s also, at least at this stage, about helping businesses and fueling education and research. ChatGPT is about just getting text out there which can mean it needs a lot of tweaking. Bard, thus far, looks to be more coherent (and accurate) which means less editing for you and again, higher increase in productivity

So, should you try it? Yes! It’s only available to a limited number of users so far, but one you receive an invite, it’s worth exploring and seeing how it works within your existing music and release plan.

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