6 minutes to read - Jun 1, 2023

Use Google Bard AI to Research, Generate Content, & More

Use Google Bard AI to Research, Generate Content, & More
Want to try out Bard, the new AI chatbot by Google? With the latest update, there's no more waitlist—if you're 18 or older and have a Google account, you can access Bard instantly in 180 countries.

Ask follow-up questions or provide more details.

Because Bard is conversational, it can use more context to help refine its answers. You can even ask Bard to rephrase things, give you more options, or rewrite generated content from different viewpoints.

Still not getting the answer you're looking for? Try rephrasing the question, or click Google it to switch to a more traditional Google search page.

Bard is still experimental, so its answers may not always be accurate. You can help improve Bard by clicking the thumbs up or thumbs down icon below its responses.

What can Bard do?

Answer questions.
Bard can answer questions and explain concepts in easy-to-understand terms.[4] Unlike asking a question to the traditional Google search engine, which provides a list of websites on which you can do your own research, Bard answers your questions in a conversational chat. Some examples:
"What's the difference between El Nino and La Nina?"
"I'm starting college and need to buy a laptop. Should I get a PC or a Mac?"
"What are some easy tricks I could train my dog to do?"
Generate creative content.
You can use Bard to create drafts for essays, poetry, lyrics, movie scripts, blog posts, and more. Just keep in mind that while Bard is great at helping you plan your creative projects, it's best to use the AI chatbot as a starting point for our own creativity. You can even paste in your own writing and ask Bard to improve, reword, or finish it. Some prompt ideas:
"Write me a cover letter for a Junior Full Stack Developer position. I just finished coding bootcamp and have experience with Python, JavaScript, and HTML. I was formerly a chef but wanted a career change."
"Write a 2 page college essay about the benefits of gun control in the United States."
"Help me finish this lyrical poem that compares a romantic relationship to the ocean."
Help you code.
Whether you're new to coding or looking for ways to enhance your productivity, use Bard to help you simplify, debug, and write code in Python, Java, C++, Go, and over a dozen other programming languages.[5] Some example prompts:
"Fix the Reference Error in this JavaScript code."
"Write a Python program that compares two lists."
"Explain how this code works."
Always test code generated by Bard for functionality and vulnerabilities before implementing it. While Bard can be a great copilot for coding, it doesn't always get things right.

Help you plan.
Use Google Bard to help you plan meals and menus, develop travel itineraries, write meeting agendas, and plot project timelines. Just tell Bard what you need, provide any details you already have, and the AI chatbot will help bring your ideas to reality. Try questions and prompts like these for great results:
"What can I cook with rice, chicken, a can of stewed tomatoes, an onion, baby spinach, and white wine?"
I'm planning a trip to San Francisco for 5 days. Which hotel would be good to stay in if I don't want to spend more than $700 on lodging?"
"Write a vegan meal plan for one week using the Mediterranean diet guidelines."
Bard can access the internet, which can be helpful for planning travel. The AI chatbot can help you find current prices, weather conditions, travel advisories, and other timely data.
Brainstorm ideas.
If you're feeling stuck creatively, ask Bard to generate ideas for your next blog post, business name, essay topic, or art project. Just give Bard as much context as you'd like to provide, and the AI chatbot will generate ideas for you. Some examples of what Bard can do:
"Give me a list of band name ideas for an all-woman punk band."
"Give me 10 ideas for a high school science project about the environment."
"Write a list of creative names for dogs that are food-related."
Increase your productivity.
Bard can help you work smarter and be more productive. Ask Bard to check your grammar and spelling, plan presentations, create schedules, draft emails, summarize reports, and analyze data. Try prompts like these:
"Write an email to my employees that says they've met our sales goal for the month. Tell them I appreciate their hard work and that I'll be treating them to a celebration dinner tomorrow at Vito's at 7PM."
"Check this letter for spelling and grammar. If there's a better way to phrase something, rephrase it for me."
"Plan a PowerPoint presentation about how instructors can use Google Bard AI in the classroom."Be careful not to share any sensitive data with Bard, as the data you provide can be used to further train the AI language model.

Play games and have fun.
Bard can play all sorts of creative games, from 20 Questions to roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons. You can also have Bard ask you trivia questions, tell you jokes, give you fun facts, or even just use Bard as a chat buddy. Some fun prompt ideas:
"Quiz me on the Billboard Top 100 hits from the 90s."
"Guess which celebrity I am in 10 questions. What's your first question?"
"Let's play a text-based adventure game. You go first."
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