THE Global AI Forum

THE Global AI Forum
When: 29 Nov 2024 Where: Hong Kong, Hong Kong Cost: $149-$249 39 Speakers Where to register:


Simon Bates
Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President The University of British Columbia Artificial Intelligence network of British Columbia
Joanna Batstone
Director of the Data Futures Institute Monash University
Tony Chan
Immediate Past President King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Simon Chesterman
National Universtiy of Singapore AI Singapore
Mark Daley
Chief AI Officer Western University Western University
Simone Dilena
President (APAC) THE Theoasis
Dawn Freshwater
Vice-Chancellor University of Auckland APRU
Yike Guo
Provost Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Ambassador George Hara
Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer DEFTA Partners DEFTA Partners
Xiangen Hu
Director of the Institute for Higher Education Research and Development The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Marcus Im
Rector Macao Polytechnic University Batangas State University
Gerd Kortemeyer
Member of the Rectorate and AI Centre ETH Zurich ETH Zürich
Chi-Kin John Lee
President The Education University of Hong Kong Artificial Intelligence Society of Hong Kong
Christoph Lindner
President Royal College of Art Smarter.Codes
Leo Lo
Dean of the College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences University of New Mexico
Miranda Lou
Executive Vice-President The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jie Lu
Director of the Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute University of Technology Sydney
Tim Lui
Chairman University Grants Committee
Peter Mathieson
Principal and Vice-Chancellor The University of Edinburgh The University of Edinburgh
Susan McCahan
Vice-Provost of Innovations in Undergraduate Education University of Toronto Toronto Machine Learning Series (TMLS)
Julie McMahon
Regional Director (APAC) THE PrometheanAI
Iman Megahed
Associate Vice-President of Digital Transformation American University of Cairo
Peggy Oti-Boateng
Executive Director African Academy of Sciences Denovo Sciences
S Joe Qin
President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science Lingnan University
Venky Shankararaman
Vice-Provost of Education and Professor of Information Systems (Education) Singapore Management University (SMU)
Harry Shum
Council Chairman Hong Kong University of Science and Technology InnoSource Technology
Yonghua Song
Rector University of Macau
Michael Spence
President and Provost University College London King's College London
Jeff Sze
Under Secretary for Education in the Education Bureau Government of Hong Kong Autotech Co Hong Kong Limited
Jeff Sze
Under Secretary for Education in the Education Bureau Government of Hong Kong Autotech Co Hong Kong Limited
Jin-Guang Teng
President and Chair Professor of Structural Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong International Blockchain and Financial Association
Rocky Tuan
President and Vice-Chancellor The Chinese University of Hong Kong Artificial Intelligence Society of Hong Kong
Alex Wai
President and Vice-Chancellor Hong Kong Baptist University Artificial Intelligence Society of Hong Kong
Yonah Welker
Public Technologist EU Commission projects
Wing Tak Wong
Deputy President and Provost The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Artificial Intelligence Society of Hong Kong
Hongxia Yang
Professor in the Department of Computing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Artificial Intelligence Society of Hong Kong
Liqun Zhang
President Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xiang Zhang
President and Vice-Chancellor The University of Hong Kong Artificial Intelligence Society of Hong Kong
Ya-Qin Zhang
Chair Professor of AI Science and Dean of the Institute for AI Industry Research Tsinghua University Alem Research

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