7 minutes to read - Apr 21, 2023

Fun Writing Prompts

Fun Writing Prompts
Unleash your creativity with Fun Writing Prompts that will inspire and challenge you to think outside the box. These prompts are perfect for anyone looking to explore new writing styles, experiment with different genres, or simply have fun with their writing.
  1. Write about what your life would be like if you turned into a squirrel. What would you do every day?

  2. A strange spaceship just crashed and landed in your backyard. What happens next?

  3. Make up a story about where thunder comes from.

  4. You find an old notebook hidden in an attic. What does it say? Who did it belong to?

  5. You have a magic garden. What magical plants do you grow? How do you take care of them?

  6. Write a story about running away with the circus when it comes to town.

  7. Rewrite “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” from the perspective of one of the dwarfs (Happy, Sleepy, Dopey, Doc, Grumpy, Sneezy and Bashful).

  8. There once was a little boy who ate nothing but oranges. What happened to him?

  9. Write a story about a magical hat. Where is it from? What does it do? What does it look like?

  10. You’re exploring the rainforest and come across a flower that no one’s ever seen before. Describe it!

  11. Tell me a story about a dinosaur living a long, long time ago.

  12. Tell me a story about an astronaut visiting another planet. Where are they going? How do they get there? What do they take with them?

  13. You discover a magic portal in the park. Where does it lead to?

  14. Pick a partner and write a story together! Start by writing the first sentence, then pass it to your partner to write the second sentence.

  15. You find buried treasure in the park, hidden in a big wooden chest. What kind of treasure is it? Who left it there?

  16. Write a story about a family that can travel in time. 

  17. Write a story without using the letter “E”.

  18. Write the funniest story you can think of. 

  19. There’s a kangaroo in your classroom. How did it get there? What happens when you find it?

  20. Write a story about an explorer who keeps getting lost. Where are they trying to go? What do they find along the way?

  21. Write a story about a wooden door, a can of soda and a blue shoe.

  22. If there was a magical portal in the back of your closet, where would it lead to? 

  23. Finish this story: There was a knock on the door. I opened it to find a dog sitting there, and…

  24. You come home and find that everything in your house is upside down. What happened?

  25. Describe the color “red” without using the word “red”.

  26. There’s an old, abandoned house at the end of your street that’s been empty for years. One day, someone moves in.

  27. Rewrite the story of Cinderella from the perspective of the stepsisters.  

  28. Write a backstory for Ed, the orange Prodigy mascot. 

  29. You wake up one morning and find a mermaid in your bathtub. How did they get there? What do you do?

  30. Write a story about a monster looking for some friends. 

  31. Oh no — your balloon blew away! Write about what happens from the balloon’s perspective. 

  32. You and your friends are out for a walk when, out of nowhere, your friends start disappearing! What’s going on?

  33. Once upon a time, an old inventor built a weather machine. It sat undiscovered for years — until you found it. What happens next?

  34. You just ate a cookie that turned you 15 feet tall. What do you do next?

  35. If you could write a book about anything, what would you write about?

  36. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be and why?

  37. Do you have a favorite animal? Tell me all about it! Why do you like it?

  38. What would you do if you woke up one morning and everything was pink — including you?

  39. What food can you not live without? Why?

  40. If you could add any class to your school schedule, what would it be?

  41. Invent a new day of the week. What is it called? When is it? What do people usually do on that day of the week?

  42. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? 

  43. If you could spend a Saturday doing anything you wanted, what adventures would you get up to?

  44. If you could have any wild animal as a pet, what would you choose? Why?

  45. What's your favorite, wacky food?

  46. Where is your favorite place to read? Why?

  47. What was the coolest day of school for you? What made it exciting?

  48. Which of your toys do you wish could talk? What would they say?

  49. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it look like?

  50. Invent a machine to do a chore for you. What does the machine do? What does it look like?

  51. What's your favorite season? What makes it the best?

  52. What is your favorite math game and why?

  53. Describe your real-life superpower.

  54. Finish the story: When I'm older I want to be an expert in…

  55. If pets could talk to each other, what would they say?

  56. If you were the captain of a ship, what would you call your ship? What would it look like? Where would you go?

  57. If your pet could talk to you, what do you think it would say?

  58. If you were the only person on earth for one day, what would you do?

  59. Plan the perfect birthday party for yourself. 

  60. What is your favorite thing to do over summer break?

  61. Describe your ideal birthday cake. 

  62. If you could add any type of room to your house, what would it be?

  63. What’s your favorite movie and why?

  64. Write a letter convincing your parents to let you get a pet dog. What arguments do you use to persuade them?

  65. Convince your teacher that you should be allowed an extra 15 minutes of recess.

  66. Convince your best friend to read your favorite book.

  67. How would you convince someone to do your chores for you?

  68. Write a commercial for your favorite breakfast food. What would convince someone else to try it?

  69. What flavor of chips is the best? Why?

  70. What would make a better pet — a monkey or a peacock?

  71. Do you think children should be allowed to stay up as late as they want?

  72. What’s your favorite holiday and why should it be everyone’s favorite? 

  73. Convince us that your favorite food should be a staple in everyone’s diet.
