2 minutes to read - Jul 31, 2023


Achieve Balance and Discover your Inner Self!

Paid $9.99/mo

Imagine viewing your entire life as a Circle, where each aspect finds its place. Your task is to keep this Circle in perfect balance.

This is Your Life’s Circle

Everything you do in your life is in this Circle, Maybe it is a career change or visiting a friend, even watching a movie, everything is Recorded in this Circle.

There are 6 Categories for your Life.

these categories Have been chosen By Us Carefully, we think that if your life is balanced around these Categories then you will have a healthy and balanced life.

Record What you did Today!

Choose from over 120 Daily Activities in all of your life’s Categories and Start earning XP towards every Activity You Recorded. Recording each activity with Just 1 Click of a Button !

Earn XP

each Activity will reward you points “XP ” and this XP will be represented in the Circle. each Activity you did will contribute Points to the Respective life category.

Balance your Circle

You Need to Keep all of your life’s categories balanced by doing activities belongs to these categories. you have access to your circle on your homepage at all times!

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