2 minutes to read - Mar 24, 2023

Mutable AI

Mutable AI
AI-Powered Integration Testing for Effortless Code Development.

Freemium $25/mo

Explore Mutable AI, our cutting-edge AI automated integration testing product designed to revolutionize software development. 

With powerful features such as AI-accelerated software development, codebase chat with semantic search, multi-file edit capabilities, and intelligent repo features like Auto Bug, Auto Wiki, and Auto Standup, Mutable AI enables developers to create high-quality code effortlessly. 

Say goodbye to the hassle of writing tests, as our AI-powered Integration Testing offering ensures comprehensive test generation. 

Key Features:

AI-Accelerated Software Development: Collaborate with AI to accelerate your software development process.

Codebase Chat + Semantic Search: Communicate with your codebase using plain English and easily find anything within your code.

Multi-File Edit: Effortlessly refactor entire directories, add major features, or remove unused code.

Integration Testing: Hate writing tests? Let our AI-powered Integration Testing handle it for you.

Repo Intelligence: Auto Bug, Auto Wiki, Auto Standup – turn your codebase into a well-documented, bug-free masterpiece.

Use Cases:

Effortless Test Generation: Automate the generation of comprehensive tests with AI, reducing the burden on developers.

Codebase Communication: Engage in a chat with your codebase and utilize semantic search to quickly locate specific code snippets.

Intelligent Refactoring: Refactor entire directories, add new features, or eliminate redundant code effortlessly with multi-file edit capabilities.

Repo Enhancement: Improve your codebase with auto bug detection, auto wiki generation, and auto standup features for better collaboration.

What People Are Saying:

"I’ve turned off the copilot. This is not a drill..😅" - Fergus M

"It's better than GitHub's thingy." - Alexander Y

"@mutableai is actually pretty great. Having fun letting it predict my code :)" - Manoj C

"Definitely smarter than Copilot. Mutable has brain." - artnikpro

Get Started Today with Mutable AI and experience the future of AI-accelerated software development!

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