10 minutes to read - Jun 7, 2023

Chatsonic vs. Google Bard AI: What’s the Difference and Which Is Better?

Chatsonic vs. Google Bard AI: What’s the Difference and Which Is Better?
Every major tech company is scrambling to make an AI chatbot. However, choosing an AI chatbot can be challenging. Chatsonic vs.
Table of Contents
1Chatsonic vs. Google Bard AI: What’s the Difference?
4Too Many Words
5Conversational Roadblocks
6Code of Ethics
7Accuracy of Information
8Final Thoughts

Google Bard AI are two options for an AI chat service. Let’s dive deep into their features and see which one reigns supreme!

Chatsonic vs. Google Bard AI: What’s the Difference?

So, I got lucky and immediately got into Bard’s experimental beta. There isn’t much data available on the internet about Bard’s AI and how fast you can expect to see an invite in your email inbox. However, for me, it was almost instantaneous. 

There isn’t a considerable breadth of knowledge about what goes on with Google Bard AI available on the internet because it’s hidden behind a veil of secrecy. Compared to the free app that is Chatsonic, it definitely feels a bit like there’s no comparison. You can just sign up and start using Chatsonic right away, while Bard is walled off until you happen to get an email indicating that you can sign up for it.

That being said, Bard has several underdeveloped or absent features in Chatsonic AI. So, it’s essential to look at those to see whether waiting for an invitation to Google Bard AI would be worthwhile rather than jumping right in with Chatsonic.


Availability is the starkest difference between Chatsonic and Google Bard AI. As we’ve mentioned, Bard AI is only available through an invite-only limited “experiment.” Anyone can sign up on Chatsonic’s website and start using the application immediately. If you want to use Google’s Bard AI, you’ll need to sign up for their waitlist and wait patiently for your invite. Unless Google releases Bard to the public, this is the only way to access Google Bard AI.

Due to its lack of availability, it would naturally be hard for Google Bard AI to win this category. In the future, Google will make Bard available to the public or even as a paid service you can sign up for. However, Google Bard AI may not be the one, and today may not be the day.


Bard may not be available to the public, but it is available to me! So, we can look at Chatsonic and Bard’s conversational writing and see whether the program can effectively emulate human speech to the point of being conversational.

Let’s talk about the good first. Bard’s conversationality is excellent. It writes like a human, albeit a very rigid and robotic human. However, the most significant thing about it is that Google Bard AI does an excellent job of navigating social interactions. For example, we chatted about LGBTQ+ themes in Call of Duty. Bard was accepting and creative regarding fan theories about the characters, which was surprising and delightful to see.

Too Many Words

Now the bad, Bard is naturally extremely wordy. In its natural state, Bard will send back whole essays with minimal prompting, which can be good or bad depending on your use cases. Regarding conversational ability, it can be hard to follow Bard at first glance because it just writes so many words. However, asking Bard to respond with fewer words prompts Bard to change its writing style to a more conversational flow. 

Still, once I locked Bard into a more conversational word flow, I found myself missing the natural educational content that Bard had been drip-feeding me. Regarding how Bard responds to you, whether you’d rather have a punchy conversational flow or a long-winded academic flow is up to you. Bard is effectively capable of both and can be turned on and off like a light switch. So, the world is your oyster with Bard.

Conversational Roadblocks

Now, let’s take a look at Chatsonic and see how conversational it is. Unfortunately, there weren’t enough good points to Chatsonic for me to include a whole section about how good it was. There were truly more roadblocks to getting Chatsonic to talk to me than enabling code blocks. 

Chatsonic seems obsessed with explaining that it’s an AI model, not a human. Not exactly a negative point, until it responds with almost every prompt with a warning saying that it’s not a human and can’t do the thing I’m trying to ask it to do. Even telling Chatsonic that I was frankly disappointed in it resulted in Chatsonic informing me that it was an AI language model. Chatsonic also has listed all LGBTQ+ topics as being “inappropriate” or “offensive,” which is not exactly inclusive.

Code of Ethics

Basically, Chatsonic doesn’t feel like a conversation at all. It feels like a complex puzzle game of figuring out what Chatsonic will be offended by and what it will respond to. Chatsonic will not react to anything that violates its pre-programmed “code of ethics,” which deems plenty of messages “unethical.” For instance, I got a warning when asking the AI if it liked Call of Duty. Chatsonic’s team seems excessively preoccupied with the idea that someone might misuse Chatsonic for none of the reasons I, having trained two AIs, would even remotely think of in practical use.

There is a clear winner here, and it’s Google Bard AI. I feel like I could genuinely develop a pack bond with Google Bard AI, which is unusual for the AI Chatbot craze. Modern Chatbot experiments have bred a healthy fear of people misusing AI. This leads to developers programming their Chatbots with strict ethics, which can result in stilted and unfeeling conversational abilities. 

Accuracy of Information

At first, I was really excited by Chatsonic’s ability to provide citations for its sources. However, this excitement faded quickly as Chatsonic continued to feed me patently false information along with sources that were too old to have accurate information. For instance, Chatsonic continues to assert that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is set to release in 2022, except it’s 2023 and the game has already been released. Additionally, attempting to correct Chatsonic actually resulted in it feeding me re-written passages with even more incorrect information.

Now, Bard also told me that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II had not yet been released. However, correcting Bard resulted in Bard accepting the correction. Bard did not re-write its messages to reflect the correction, which is neither here nor there. However, the day after I corrected Bard, I fed it the same prompt, and the new message was entirely correct. So, Bard is definitely taking my training into account when it messages me, which is an excellent feeling.

Ease of Training

Now the biggest thing with AIs like Chatsonic vs. Google Bard is that the user is really not meant to be the trainer of these AIs. These AIs are designed to be trained by their operators and used by the public in whatever state the operators leave them in.

However, it’s worth noting whether you can actively train the AIs because people like me, who have trained multiple AIs and enjoy doing it, are going to want to put that work in. 

Chatsonic really cannot be trained by the user at all. As explained above, I wasn’t even able to get it to spit out the correct release date for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. Correcting it made it spit out an even less correct version of its original statement. This is especially frustrating because I feel like I could definitely train the AI to be more correct and conversational if I had the option to do so. The developers just do not want to hand that kind of power to a user, and we have no choice but to respect that.

On the other hand, Bard is extremely easy to train. The AI responds really well to input from the users. As I noted, a simple correction completely changed how Bard talks about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. Bard also responds to input regarding its general behavior, such as telling it to please write shorter messages to be a bit more conversational.

Chatsonic vs. Google Bard AI: Which One Should I Use?

Normally, when I get to this section I have a lot of things to say that typically have to be condensed into a smaller section. However, this is a very cut-and-dried section. Bard is a superior AI to Chatsonic in almost every way. If you can wait for an invitation, try out Bard. Bard learns faster, responds better, and isn’t as stilted as Chatsonic. Even when it comes to writing, which Chatsonic should be superior at since it’s based on the Writesonic AI, Bard just sounds better and more human. (However, we must also post the disclaimer that we do not support using AI writers in professional spaces.)

Final Thoughts

This might have seemed a bit like a love letter to Google Bard AI, and it was, in fact, a love letter to Google Bard AI. Google Bard AI and Chatsonic are just two of the fantastic AIs out there that you can chat with today. So, if neither Bard nor Chatsonic fits your fancy, you can always try out some of the other models on the market.

Chatsonic vs. Google Bard AI: What’s the Difference and Which Is Better? FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

What is Google Bard AI?

Google Bard AI is an experimental AI language model made by Google. 

What is Chatsonic?

Chatsonic is an AI language model based off of the Writesonic AI writer.

Who makes Google Bard AI?

Google Bard AI is owned and operated by Google.

Who makes Chatsonic?

Chatsonic is owned and operated by Writesonic.

Can you train Google Bard AI?

Google Bard AI can be trained lightly by users. They cannot influence its internal programming, but can help the AI sound more realistic and provide correct information.

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