5 minutes to read - May 29, 2023

10 powerful ways to use ChatGPT as a product designer

10 powerful ways to use ChatGPT as a product designer
List of my favourite ChatGPT prompts that will greatly enhance your efficiency as a product designer.
Table of Contents
11. Find feature-specific inspiration
22. Create feature flow
33. Explain complex terms
44. Understand user requirement
55. Discover tools and websites
66. Create better prompts for AI image generators
77. Create design system documentation
88. Get ideas for design-related tasks
99. Don’t be shy. Ask ChatGPT how it may help you…
1010. Upskill

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is all over the place with people using it for all sorts of stuff ranging from cheating on their assignments to building products. Recently, I started using ChatGPT to get rid of my blank canvas syndrome and ideate faster. You can use it for writing, researching, getting inspired and analysing.

Here are ten compelling ways to use ChatGPT as a designer.

1. Find feature-specific inspiration

Many times, you may be assigned the task of creating a particular feature for your product, such as a text-based AMA feature. If you’re looking for similar products with this feature, simply ask ChatGPT to provide you with a list of relevant options.

Sample prompt: List platforms that have a text based AMA feature

2. Create feature flow

Curious about the flow of a feature? Instead of downloading an app and spending time figuring it out, why not ask ChatGPT?

Sample prompt: What is the AMA feature flow on Quora?

3. Explain complex terms

Ask ChatGPT whatever you want to understand. You can further use prompts like “dumb it down” or “explain with real-world examples” to help you understand better.

Sample prompt: Explain API to a product designer in simple terms. Use analogies and examples that they can relate to.

4. Understand user requirement

Every feature has some basic user requirements to be covered. Use ChatGPT to list them down and use as your checklist while designing.

Sample prompt 1: What feature do users expect from a chat based AMA feature?

Sample prompt 2: List JTBDs for a chat based AMA feature

5. Discover tools and websites

Discover tools and websites specific to you needs.

Sample prompt 1: List websites to get UI inspirations

Sample prompt 2: List products that can help with user testing a Figma prototype

6. Create better prompts for AI image generators

Currently everyAI tool is only as good as the prompts you give it. Use ChatGPT to generate detailed prompts for your unique requirements.

Sample prompt: Give me a brief prompt for an AI image generator to create a landing page illustration for a stock trading app

7. Create design system documentation

Design system documentation can feel overwhelming to get started. With ChatGPT you can create a rough draft and take it from there.

Sample prompt: Give me a sample documentation for an input box of height 44px . Include component anatomy such has height, padding, color, text size, shadows etc. in a table format. Also Include usage guideline, sample use cases, do’s and dont’s. In a table format along with their respective tokens.

8. Get ideas for design-related tasks

Everyone needs a reminder once in a while. Designers are no exception. Use ChatGPT to prepare for different tasks in

Sample prompt 1: How to present my UI designs in order to convince stakeholders?

Sample prompt 2: How to structure and prepare to take a user interview?

9. Don’t be shy. Ask ChatGPT how it may help you…

Not sure how you can use ChatGPT for a given task? Just ask ChatGPT.

Sample prompt 1: How can you, ChatGPT, help a product designer do their job better?

Sample prompt 2: How to make use of ChatGPT to create a good survey?

10. Upskill

Ask ChatGPT to be an expert on the field of your choice and then ask it questions. For example, you can ask ChatGPT to build you a plan to improve your skills as a designer.

Sample prompt: Imagine you are a great Product Designer. Now write me a detailed 2 week day by day plan to improve my design skills as a senior product designer. I shouldn’t have to spend more than 1 hour a day. Include specific links to the resources next to the suggestions and any other advice.

ℹ️ Type in “continue” incase chatGPT stops generating information in between. This could happen if you prompt is generating a large content.

That is all for now. Before I close, keep in mind that your work doesn’t end with a prompt. Use the results that ChatGPT throws out as a starting point to get over your blank canvas syndrome :)

If you have any other prompts that helped you become a more efficient designer, feel free to share them in the comments below. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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