3 minutes to read - Aug 23, 2024

ChatGPT can match the top 1% of creative human thinkers, says new study

ChatGPT can match the top 1% of creative human thinkers, says new study
Researchers administered the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, an oft-used creativity test, to the ChatGPT engine and recorded eight responses. They also collected responses from 24 University of Montana students. Those scores were compared with 2,700 students nationally who took the TTCT.

Усі відповіді були оцінені службою Scholastic Testing Service, яка не знала, що були подані відповіді на ШІ. 

За словами дослідників, відповіді штучного інтелекту були такими ж творчими, як і відповіді найкреативніших реальних людей, які проходили тест. Насправді ChatGPT перевершив більшість студентів у країні. 

Висновки були несподіваними, сказав ScienceDaily.com автор дослідження та асистент клінічного професора Коледжу бізнесу Університету Монтани Ерік Гузік. Сфери досліджень Гузік – підприємництво та економічний аспект творчості. 

«Для мене творчість — це робити щось по-іншому», — сказав Гузік. «Одне з визначень підприємництва, яке мені подобається, полягає в тому, що бути підприємцем означає мислити по-іншому. Отже, штучний інтелект може допомогти нам застосувати світ креативного мислення до бізнесу та процесу інновацій, і це мене просто захоплює».

'Some of the responses were novel and surprising'

The TTCT contains two different assessments: one verbal and one figural.  Both measure divergent thinking, or the thought process used to generate creative ideas. 

In the verbal assessment, test-takers are provided with pictures and/or verbal prompts and asked to respond in written form. For example, they might be shown a picture of an event and asked to hypothesize the outcome. Or they might be shown a product and asked for ways to improve it. Their answers are used to assess three mental characteristics: 

Fluency: the number of relevant ideas

Originality: the unusualness of ideas

Flexibility: the variety of different types of ideas

The figural assessment requires the test-taker to draw their answers. For example, they might be asked to complete a picture. Along with fluency and originality the figural test evaluates the following skills: 

Elaboration: the addition of ideas beyond the minimum requirement 

Resistance to premature closure: the ability for a person to tolerate ambiguity enough to come up with a creative response

Abstractness of titles: the ability to title a figure creatively 

In the study, ChatGPT responses were in the top percentile for fluency and originality. Response scores slipped into the 97th percentile when it came to flexibility. 

"We had all been exploring with ChatGPT, and we noticed it had been doing some interesting things that we didn't expect," Guzik said. "Some of the responses were novel and surprising. That's when we decided to put it to the test to see how creative it really is."

Guzik does not want to overstate the impact that ChatGPT might have on the economy, but he does suspect it will become a driver of innovation.

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