3 minutes to read - Mar 23, 2023
Poly ai
Elevate Customer Conversations with our Customer-Led Conversational Platform.

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PolyAI brings you a customer-led conversational platform designed for enterprises, allowing your customers to lead the conversation effortlessly. With the power to resolve over 50% of calls and consistently deliver exceptional brand experiences, PolyAI transforms your call center into a revenue generator.

Key Features:

Effortless CX at Scale: Let your customers speak naturally, interrupt, and change topics while consistently enjoying a fantastic customer experience.

Transformative Call Center: Resolve complex inquiries 24/7 at scale, increase revenue, boost customer loyalty, and reduce agent turnover.

Increased Capacity: Handle larger call volumes without adding overhead, thanks to the immediate response to 100% of contacts.

Improved CX: Reduce wait times, IVR time, and misroutes, leading to improved CSAT/NPR and increased customer lifetime value.

Empowered Agents: Free your agents to focus on meaningful work by reducing turnover and providing them with actionable insights from real conversations.

Operational Excellence: Modernize your CX stack, mitigate risks, and improve metrics with PolyAI's actionable insights.

How It Works:

Design: Create a branded voice and personality that engages users to resolve inquiries effectively.

Integrate: Seamlessly plug into your existing tech stack without risky replatforming.

Analyze: Utilize a real-time dashboard for staying on top of issues, trends, or specific product inquiries.

Improve: Manage ongoing performance updates and maintenance controls as your assistant continuously learns and improves.

Purpose Built for Enterprise:

Security: AI you can trust, with 24/7 support and compliance certification for every industry.

Integrations: Out-of-the-box and custom integrations ensure safe and easy implementation with your existing tech stack.

Analytics: Real-time insights eliminate data gaps, manual compiling, and business decisions based on guesswork.


From banking and healthcare to travel and hospitality, high-demand industries trust PolyAI to provide world-class service.

Use Cases:

Resolve calls in your heaviest use cases, including authentication, order management, billing, and more.

Featured Resources:

Buying Guide: The definitive buying guide for customer-led voice assistants.

Event: VOX 2023.

Case Study: How Golden Nugget automates 34% of hotel reservation calls with call center voice AI.

Ready to Transform Your Customer Conversations?

Get a personalized demo to learn how PolyAI can help you drive measurable business value.

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