2 minutes to read - Mar 22, 2023


Unlock AI Power in Your Google Sheets.

Freemium $8/mo

SheetAI App combines the magic of AI 🪄 with the intelligence of your brain 🧠 to revolutionize your Google Sheets experience. Say goodbye to manual tasks and hello to automation and insights. Supercharge your sheets with powerful AI functions, such as efficient copywriting with SHEETAI_BRAIN 🖋️, generating multiple answers with SHEETAI_LIST 📋, and effortlessly populating data with SHEETAI_FILL 📦.

Why SheetAI App?

Efficient Copywriting: Simplify copywriting by referencing app names and letting SHEETAI_BRAIN fetch relevant details from your database.

Diverse Solutions: Use SHEETAI_LIST to get a variety of AI-generated answers, offering diverse solutions and perspectives.

Data Population: Use SHEETAI_FILL to fill in product descriptions, clean up email lists, generate dummy data, and more.


"Fantastic app for invoking GPT-3 from within Google Sheets. A mind-blowing productivity hack for building quick & dirty spreadsheet-based apps powered by the OpenAI platform."

Sean Tierney, February 1, 2023

"I have recently begun utilizing the AI solution called SheetAI for various applications and have found it to be a highly effective tool. I have utilized it as a generative AI for marketing purposes and have seen positive results."

Eli Elad Cohen, December 28, 2022

Use Cases:

Sanitize Data: Ensure data accuracy and cleanliness.

Generate Text: Simplify content creation and marketing copy.

Predict Values: Leverage AI for predictive analysis.

Install SheetAI App now to unlock the full potential of AI in your spreadsheets. Learn how to use it through our step-by-step tutorial. Join others who have already experienced the power of SheetAI in transforming their Google Sheets workflow.

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